Manage Devices
The purpose of the My Brandwise --> Devices --> Manage Devices screen is enabling Play system administrators to modify the basic behavioral settings of devices such as: assignment, show mode, sales location, and order taker validation.
Navigating to My Brandwise --> Devices --> Manage Devices
Login to My Brandwise as a user with permissions to the Devices menu and select Manage Devices.
The LoginID/Password identifies license(s) available for management. The LoginID/Password credentials can not be modified by Play system administrators. The LoginID/Password purpose is...
- LoginID/Password are the Username/Password login credentials for authenticating to My Brandwise
- LoginID/Password are the Play for PC installation credentials
- LoginID/Password are the Play for iPad License ID, License Key entered upon installing the Brandwise Play for iPad application. **The credential pair can only be installed on one device at a time**
Assigned To
The Assigned To column identifies to whom the license is assigned. The Assigned personnel record can be updated directly on the Manage Devices page.
Show Mode
The Show Mode column indicates whether or not a device is in show mode.
Sales Location
The Sales Location column identifies the Sales Location which is configured for the device.
Order Taker Validation (iPad only)
The Order Taker Validation column configures the behavior of Play for iPad (ONLY iPad, PC is not configurable) when an end-user exits a Sales Order.
Device Type
The Device Type identifies type of device which consumes the license.
Machine Name
The Machine Name identifies the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the device which consumes the license.