mtview provides a powerful and easy to use advanced analytics platform, directly within the MarketTime Web Portal. For users of mtView products, the video below will cover some of the more popular and useful features found in mtView reports.
To learn more about mtView and add mtView to your service package, please contact Sales HERE.
For details about the most popular reports available in mtView, please view this dedicated article
NOTE: mtView reports are permissioned based on User Email Address. If you have a single user account connected to multiple Sales Agencies, Salespeople or Manufacturers, data from all connected accounts will appear in the reports. We recommend using corresponding Company/Customer/Manufacturer filters on relevant reports to home in on data relevant to the company you wish to see data for.
mtView reports can be accessed within MarketTime by navigating to Advanced Analytics in the navigation menu:
Accessing mtView reports within the Tableau mobile app or Tableau Cloud website
Users may also access their mtView reports directly within the Tableau mobile application on an iPad or via the Tableau Cloud website from any device. For users that set up subscriptions to have reports emailed, each email will contain a link to the relevant report. To access these reports, directly from the email, users will need to view the reports within Tableau (not within the MarketTime Web Portal).
Note that to view mtView reports within Tableau, users must:
- Visit the Tableau Cloud website
- Select the "Forgot Password" option and follow the prompts to setup a new password
- Login to Tableau using the email address associated with your MarketTime account and the new password you created
For those users that want the additional ability build their own reports, leveraging mtView and their data in MarketTime, please contact Sales HERE to discuss the mtView Pro subscription. For more details on the capabilities required to effectively utilize create reports using mtView Pro, please see HERE.
Common Troubleshooting FAQ
Those utilizing Safari on a Mac or iPad should consider the following if you find your reports not loading/displaying:
1. Ensure that Cross Site Tracking is disabled within Safari. The article linked below covers how to toggle this setting.
Prevent Cross Site Tracking
2. Once this is disabled or you've confirmed it's already disabled, you'll need to clear your cookies/cache following the article below. Be sure to remove all as the date range and not just the last hour if that's the default date range selection.