*Play for iPad version 14.0000 requires iOS 13 to run. Please note there may be features in the release notes below that are only available on iOS 14. All iOS 13 devices have the ability to upgrade to iOS 14.
mtPlay 14.2504 (This was the last Play for iPad version)
- Added the ability for you to select how many labels you wish to skip when printing product labels from the system
- When printing labels you will now be met with this screen and label 1 will be selected by default
- You can make a selection of the label you would like to start the print at and tap Continue
- Made some improvements to the way we were handling QOH associated with products with Apparel Options
- Improved how the order detail is displayed on a wide variety of iPad devices
- Improved the "Show All" feature on the Customer Bill To selection to exclude inactive customers from showing
- Changed the sort of Price Lists in the Pricing Groups menu. These will now sort alphabetically by the Supplier Name
- Fixed an issue where Payment Terms and Shipping Methods were not editable if the setting to Lock Terms and Shipping Methods was enabled and the user did not have proper user permissions
- Fixed an issue where products that contained a backslash ( \ ) would not add to an order
- Fixed an issue where the application would crash under certain circumstances if there was a Sales Location with no description
- Fixed the Progress Bar that displays at the bottom when exiting orders/customers to now Show and Hide at the bottom of the screen
- Fixed a crasher that would occur if the user was editing quantity for an item on the Search screen and tried to tap Exit
- Fixed an issue where printing just one product label would not properly align the label and would put it in the middle of the page
Play for iPad 14.2228 (This was the last Play for iPad version)
- Fixed an issue where the Bank Name in the customer data was too long and was causing Customer data not to flow
- Fixed an issue where the application was hitting a delay once a Bill To was selected when starting an order
- Fixed an issue where the application would crash if a barcode was scanned that would have found more than one product, and one of the products had apparel options
- Fixed an issue where the application was crashing when orders were attempting to be printed/emailed
Play for iPad 14.2220
- Did some work to address a lot of the miscellaneous crashes that can occur in the application. While there may still be some, we have worked to address a bunch of these.
Play for iPad 14.2218
- Added the ability to Copy Line Item notes when duplicating an order
- If an order being duplicated has Line Item Notes we will now prompt you to "Use Copied Quantity with Notes" OR "Use Default Quantity with Notes"
- If you are not duplicating but have Products copied with Line Item Notes, the import menu will read these options as well. "Paste Minimum Quantity with Notes" or "Paste with Copied Quantity with Notes"
- Made some tweaks to the editing of Product quantities on the Orders screen
- This should help to improve the speed of the quantity changes when editing from the Orders tab
- Modified the Pricing Groups editor to only allow one pricing group to be selected
- Modified the Credit Card tab under the Customer editor. Adding a credit card from this screen will now be added against the default Hosted PCI gateway. This card can then be added on orders, or used to generate a specific 3rd-Party token for an order
- The Print MSRP toggle when printing an order will now default to ON if the supplier is configured to "Display MSRP". If no products have an MSRP, this option will not show.
- Made some changes to the application to no longer do any date conversions which was ultimately leading to problems with QOH Dates not showing correctly. Depending on the QOH Date and when the Sync was ran, the QOH Date would sometimes show as the incorrect day, normally off by one day. Daylight Savings Time had a huge role in this and led to us making the change.
- Fixed an issue where the Digital Catalogs would not be available if page 1 hadn't downloaded to the device AND there were no hotspots.
- Fixed an issue where the Product sidebar within the Digital Catalog would stop working and would no longer show products.
- Fixed an issue where newer, faster devices were not showing Products in the Digital Catalog Product sidebar.
- Fixed an issue where the Availability Date on the Search screen was being removed if an item with that Availability was added to the order. The Availability Date under the product will now show as long as the Ship Date on the order is less than that Available Date.
- Fixed an issue where the Out of Stock banner wasn't showing for products if the supplier allowed the selling of out of stock products.
- Fixed another issue related to the Selling of Out of Stock products where the "Show Products in Stock" toggle on the Search screen wasn't working properly
- Fixed an issue where if a new retailer was added and the user selected "No" for copying the Billing to the Shipping, the Shipping address was still being created.
- Fixed an issue where credit cards were not able to be added from the Customer screen
- Fixed an issue where the application would crash while in Recovery Mode if the license was switched
- Fixed an issue where some orders would crash when the order was Finished
- Fixed an issue where if a product was added from the Apparel Options screen and the minimum quantity was not entered, the system would report there were no prices for the product.
- Fixed an issue where Product Variants would not work properly if the screen was entered from within a Digital Catalog hotspot
- Fixed an issue where if a credit card failed to tokenize the full message was not displayed
Play for iPad 14.2180
- Our system now has the ability to use a generic Credit Card Token to fetch the required 3rd-Party tokens as they vary based on the supplier. See the Changes section for more on this.
- To accommodate our new universal token, we have modified the Credit Card selection in the Order to now list cards available to select, if your device is online.
- In the above screenshot, these are cards that are available for me to select. Note that they fall under a section titled "Cards Requiring Online Authorization Before Use". If you are offline, you will not be able to select one of these cards.
- If you are online and select one of these cards, the card will be added to the order
- If you then write a future order for this same customer and supplier, you will now see this card listed differently in the Credit Card selection window
- You will now see that card fall under the "Cards on file" section. Cards listed here can be added offline, just as you are able to add cards for your retailers today if you are offline.
- Please note, the separate section is still shown so if another card that was added to a previous order needs to be used for this order, you can select one of those instead. Again, you would need to be online to perform this action.
- Adding a credit card from the Customer editor, Credit Card tab, will now add the card so that it will show up as seen in the screenshots above.
- Fixed an issue where out of stock products were not being filtered out of the Search results if Allow Selling Out of Stock was turned on.
- Fixed an issue in the order where the Date Available wasn't accurately reflecting the next date with more QOH available.
Play for iPad 14.2166
- Added settings to allow the "Out of Stock" and "Coming Soon" banners to be enabled/disabled.
- These settings were added to the Settings that are accessed from the Login screen.
- Fixed a crash that was occurring if an Unknown Product was on an order and a user was trying to edit quantity of an item with options.
- Fixed an issue where the Available Date of the product was not properly getting set on the order, causing the Group By Availability to not group correctly.
- Fixed an issue where some products in Present Product were showing with the "Coming Soon" banner even though the product was available ASAP.
- Fixed an issue where a customer that was treated as an Existing Customer was showing the Open Order Minimum vs the Reorder Minimum
- Fixed an issue where the iPad Mini 6th Gen devices were showing the "End of Life" messsage
Play for iPad 14.2150
- Added a new section to the Suppliers menu to show Pricing Groups, as well as the Price Lists assigned to the Pricing Groups
- Added a new toggle to the Sales Order Search screen to filter to products that are currently in stock. In Stock is treated as products that have an availability date of today or earlier and a Quantity on Hand > 0.
- Products that have future available dates will show a Coming Soon banner on the product.
- Products that have a Quantity on Hand of 0 will show a Sold Out banner on the product.
- Added a feature to delete a Buyer/Contact from a Retailer in the application. This requires that the user has the necessary permissions to do so.
- Users can now print product labels from Present Product. There are two label styles you can print two - both Avery 5160 and 5167 Templates.
- Buy the 5167 labels here
- View other Avery labels that work with the 5167 labels here
- Buy the 5160 labels here
- View other Avery labels that work with the 5160 labels here
- The labels will print UPC when available, and when not, will print SSIBarcodes in place of those
- In Present Product, you can change the sort of the products and the labels will print to match the way the products are sorted
- Added a new setting to allow the user to set the iPad's numeric keyboard as the default when searching products. With this setting on, Searching for Customers or adding Notes to an order will still pull up the standard keyboard.
Changed the way the product images were being fetched. Performance on the app should be improved with the new image handling.
- Made a change to allow users to print Direct Sales Orders from the iPad. If the Direct order does not have any line items, the order will not allow for printing.
- When grouping by Availability Date on the Order, the Availability Date will always be shown now.
- Made a change to the login screen to now show the exact iPad model and iOS version of your device. This makes it very easy to obtain this information when needed.
- Fixed an issue where the application would crash when starting a new order and scanning an item.
- Fixed an issue when printing an order with High-Res images. The orders would not email because the file size would have been too large.
- Fixed an issue with the application crashing when a duplicate barcode was scanned in Present Product.
- Investigated some slow performance and made some changes to the way the Customer Billing address is loaded. Users should now see improved performance when selecting a Customer Billing.
- Investigated and fixed our number 2 crasher in our application. This crash would happen randomly when the application was trying to calculate the Order Total.
- Fixed an issue with the filters in Present Product getting reset after going into the Product Detail
- Fixed an issue when scanning an SSIBarcode into the Search screen that would crash the application
- Fixed an issue where the application would randomly crash when a user was deleting products from an order.
- Made improvements to the Scan screen. Scanning is significantly faster when there are many, many items already on the order.
- Fixed an issue with products with drop-down options. When these products were added to the order, the app would not recognize other products with drop-down options.
Play for iPad 14.1000
- Introduced a way to reach quantity pricing across a group of "like" products. For example if 4 different products had a price break at 24 pieces and I had all 4 products on my order with quantities of 6, each product would get the price break for the 24 pieces.
- Added a new section to the Customer screen to show Pricing Groups and to allow a Rep to assign a Customer to a Pricing Group.
- Made some improvements to the Credit Card section of the Customer screen.
- Adding a Card for a Customer on a Single Supplier Play systems that utilize a 3rd Party Payment Gateway, the card will now be tokenized against that 3rd Party Payment Gateway.
- Adding a Card on a multi-line Agency system will continue to tokenize against the default Brandwise payment gateway however, the right-hand side will now list Suppliers that this default Card will work for, or Suppliers that the default Card will not work for. Whichever list is shorter is the list that will show to the user.
- When Scanning products in Present Product, Discontinued products would make the same sound on scan as active products. We have changed this to now return the same sound on scan as you would experience if you had scanned a barcode that found multiple results.
- Changed the way we were handling Quantity on Hand in the system. In some cases we weren't handling deletes of old QOH values which was a result of how the dates were being stored in the iPad. We made some tweaks to the QOH. With this version, deleted QOH records will no longer linger on the device.
- Fixed an issue where deleting a Credit Card from the Customer screen wasn't triggering the deleted card to sync to the cloud. If the user exited back to the main screen of Play and then went back in and searched the customer, the deleted card would be showing again.
Play for iPad 14.0008
- Introduced a toggle on the Search screen to hide/show Discontinued products
- The toggle will be turned on by default
- The Categories section on the Search screen will now be enabled when a Supplier has been selected that has categories
- Tapping Categories will bring you into the available top-level categories
- Tapping a Category will display the available sub-level categories. If there are no sub-level categories, this will select the Category and display all products in the selected Category.
- Selecting a sub-level category will display additional sub-level categories, or will select the first sub-level category, as seen in the screenshot below. Once again, selecting the Category displays all products available for the selected Category(s).
- When not all categories are selected under a top-level category, this is indicated by the half-filled circle seen above
- If all sub-level categories are selected, the top-level category will have the whole circle filled. All products assigned to the selected Categories will be shown on the right.
- The Order Taker can now be edited in the Admin section of the Order Header
- We have removed the Quantity box from the Catalogs in Present Products. Tapping this would result in a message being presented to the user and there was no reason to have this box in Present Products.
- Systems with a single supplier in the data will now have the supplier automatically selected when going into an order. This takes a step out of the process if you are wanting to browse Catalogs, Product Lines or Categories.
- Fixed an issue where the Quantity wasn't showing correctly for items with Apparel/Sizing options.
- Fixed an issue where in a specific scenario searching for products in a catalog, if there was one result and Return/Enter was tapped on the keyboard, the application would crash.
- Fixed an issue where if the on-screen keyboard was up and a product with Apparel/Sizing options was selected, the application would freeze.
- Fixed an issue after adding an Unknown Product to an order, the selected filters would be reset. Now when adding Unknown Products the filters that are selected will stay selected.
- Fixed an issue where modifying Price Lists assigned to a customer were not triggering the customer changes to sync to the cloud.