For Manufacturers who are on the Basic (Free) service of MarketTime, the steps below will ensure you're receiving email notifications with links to PDF copies of your orders.
Order Management
For information on managing orders, their statuses, and other features, see our article on Order Management.
Updating Notification Email for Orders
Begin by logging into MarketTime and navigating to the Manage Company screen.
On the resulting screen, click the "Pencil" icon on the third card from the left to edit the Email For Orders field:
Here you can update the Email for Orders field. The email address(es) added here will be the ones notified when an order is transmitted to you. This email notification will include a link to retrieve a PDF copy of the order.
Multiple emails may be added by separating them with a semicolon ( ; ), for a maximum of 3 email addresses:
Click Update to save your changes.
Requiring Customer Account Numbers
On the same pop-up, you may choose to require an Account Number for the Bill To and/or Ship To location of customers on orders you receive.
This will require that Sales Agencies who submit orders to you add an Account Number to the customer prior to the order being transmitted.
Click Update to save your changes.
Retrieving Orders as a Manufacturer
When an order is transmitted to the emails you, the emails set in the Email for Orders field described above will receive an email that looks similar to this:
The subject of the email includes the Retailer's Name, PO Number, Order Date, and Salesperson.
The body of the email contains more information such as Order Total, Order Code, Order Writer, and most importantly, the link to the PDF copy of the order.
The PDF can be retrieved with the link within the email without the need of a login:
This link is valid for 7 days after it's first used. Once this link expires, the Manufacturer must log into MarketTime to retrieve the order.
When clicking the link, you are taken to a screen in your browser that allows you to either download or print a copy: