You may find yourself in a situation where you must mark an order as manually sent. This should only be done if 1) the manufacturer is not electronic and therefore does not accept orders through Brandwise and instead are emailed order copies or 2) the manufacturer is electronic but you know they've already received the order, and therefore it should not be sent again.
Important note: if you manually mark an order as sent, and the manufacturer is electronic, they will not receive that order electronically. You will need to email the order copy to the manufacturer. The alternative is copying the existing order to a new order, sending that new order electronically, and then canceling the original order that was manually marked as sent.
To begin, Confirm the order. The next step should be to email an order copy to the manufacturer (if they have not received it yet). Once the order copy has been emailed, tap the icon in the top-right corner of the order header.
Note the messaging about what this action will do:
Tap the toggle to make it orange and then tap Mark this order as Sent:
A message will display in the top-right indicating the order has been sent manually. Don't forget to tap Exit to save your changes: