This article will help you generate a list of retailers that have registered to shop on your Reach site. The report includes information about their activity online and contact information so you can reach out!
To begin, log in to using your 100 username. If you're not sure what this is, contact Support by calling 303-788-9970 x1 or emailing
Once you're logged in, click the Reach menu at the top of the page and select Registration Report. This will launch a new tab, so be sure to enable pop-ups for Brandwise if a message in the address bar says a pop-up was blocked.
Select your company name in the Reach Site drop-down menu. Define a Start Date and an End Date for the range you want to report against. Select YES from the Approved drop-down and then click the View Report button on the right side of the page:
This returns a list of retailers that registered to shop during the time range specified. The contact email addresses are listed here. Scroll to the right to see their Registration Date, Approval Date, Web Order Counts, and more.
To export this information, click the disk icon and choose the desired format: