Brandwise Support will build your InvoiceXchange templates, and you should follow all guidance provided by them on the file format and required headers. Below are a few tips you may find helpful when building your InvoiceXchange files for import.
- Start with an Excel version of the file
- Format dates as mm/dd/yyyy
- Format currency columns as shown below (numbers with no 1000 separator and () to indicate negative values):
- Keep the Excel version of the file, with headers, for your reference. Then, remove the headers and save to a tab-delimited .txt file.
Tip: If there are columns at the end of your file with headers but no data in them, save the file to .txt WITH the headers. Open the file in Notepad and remove the header row. Then, save the file. This will preserve the empty columns at the end of your file.
- Open the .txt file and confirm the dates were preserved.
- Formatting the files, as shown above, should prevent any issues, but you should still ensure that none of the below characters exist in the file. If they do, use find/replace to remove (replace with nothing).
- commas (,)
- dollar signs ($)
- percent signs (%)
- quotes (")
- It is okay to have quotes in the company name field, but never in the Invoice total or commission amount columns.
Please contact Support if you have questions or need assistance importing your files. You can contact them by emailing or calling 303-788-9970 x1 M-F 7am-5pm Mountain Time.
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