For those who have the need to securely retrieve credit cards from orders you've received, this guide is for you.
NOTE: This guide assumes you've already requested the setup of your Hosted PCI via
Account Setup
Once MarketTime has submitted your account for creation, you will receive an email from with the necessary steps to help set up your password.
This email will contain your Username (1) and a link to retrieve your password (2).
Clicking the Retrieve your Password link will take you to Hosted PCI's site to walk you through setting up your password.
Enter in the Username from your email into the User ID field (1), your email address in the Email field (2), then the security check characters into the Enter Numbers field (3).
Once finished, you'll receive a success message. An email will be sent to proceed with your password setup.
Password Setup
You will soon receive an email with steps to set your password. Click the Reset Login Details link within the email to continue:
You will be taken to Hosted PCI's website to set your password:
Resetting Password
To reset your password, click the Forgot Password link when logging into Hosted PCI:
Follow the steps to verify yourself, and have an email sent to you to set a new password, similar to when the password was originally set.