For those who have certain requirements or preferences in regards to data you receive on orders transmitted to you, Stream offers the ability to deal with these cases.
Notes Regarding Automation
Order Errors (data validation)
Cleaning "Dirty" Orders
Notes Regarding Automation
For those who are utilizing our platform to automate order delivery to an ERP or specific location, your account may be enabled with a Scheduler that automatically Delivers orders on a regular interval. Orders that are considered "Dirty" (those requiring Data Mapping) won't be included when the Scheduler delivers orders until the necessary corrections are made to the order.
If you are a company who has automations in place, the general use of Stream is to log in to fix Data Mapping errors, retrieve PDF copies, or process payments since you will likely be set up with the Scheduler.
Data Mapping
Called Data Mapping within Stream, this feature allows you to determine which fields within an order that you wish to be warned about or must adhere to before being able to be delivered.
Clicking the gear icon under the Data Mapping section of the Stream Dashboard will allow you to manage these:
On the resulting screen, you can choose from a variety of common data points found on orders you receive.
When choosing which data points you want to be made aware of that don't match your requirements, the status you can set to each is as follows:
Disabled - No mapping required, data will come as-is.
Warning - No mapping required, will appear as a warning in the Orders Ready to Deliver section of the Stream Dashboard. Warnings do not prevent delivery of an order.
Error - Mapping required. Orders with data points that aren't accepted will be placed into the "Dirty Orders" section and can't be delivered until corrected. Errors prevent delivery of an order.
In the example below, I've set Stream to require Customer Account Numbers, and warn me about Payment Terms that don't meet my requirements.
Click Save at the bottom to lock in your choices.
You can always come back to this screen to update your preferences.
When you're taken back to the Stream Dashboard, you may now see relevant warnings in the Orders Ready to Deliver section, or less orders in this section than before (if you chose "error" on any options).
The orders with offending errors will be found under the Data Mapping section by clicking on the number shown under that section:
More information about cleaning "dirty" orders can be seen below.
Order Errors (data validation)
The Order Errors feature allows you to be notified or require the order adhere to various item/order related rules.
Clicking the gear icon under the Order Errors section of the Stream Dashboard will allow you to manage these:
On the resulting screen, you can choose from a variety of common data points found on orders you receive.
When choosing which data points you want to be made aware of that don't match your requirements, the status you can set to each is as follows:
Disabled - No mapping required, data will come as-is.
Warning - No mapping required, will appear as a warning in the Orders Ready to Deliver section of the Stream Dashboard. Warnings do not prevent delivery of an order.
Error - Mapping required. Orders with data points that aren't accepted will be placed into the "Dirty Orders" section and can't be delivered until corrected. Errors prevent delivery of an order.
In the example below, I've set Stream to warn me about order discounts but error if a line item discount is on an order.
Click Save at the bottom to lock in your choices.
You can always come back to this screen to update your preferences.
When you're taken back to the Stream Dashboard, you may now see relevant warnings in the Orders Ready to Deliver section, or less orders in this section than before (if you chose "error" on any options).
The orders with offending errors will be found under the Order Error section by clicking on the number shown under that section:
More information about cleaning "dirty" orders can be seen below.
Cleaning "Dirty" Orders
If you've chosen to enable the "error" option within the Data Mapping or Order Error sections of the Stream Dashboard, you will need to clean the orders to meet your requirements before they can be delivered.
Fixing Mapping Errors
Clicking on the number under Data Mapping on the Stream Dashboard will take you to the Data Mapping screen to manage the orders.
On the resulting screen, you'll be shown the orders that contain the offending errors or warnings you set.
The headers in RED are the Errors you set, while the YELLOW headers are the Warnings. You may click on any of the headers to manage that data point.
The action you take will depend on your needs and which options you've set to error or warn, but the general use of this screen is to map the data shown in the table to your expected value.
Customer Account Numbers is the most common field those using Stream like to map because their ERP requires unique IDs for each customer record to ensure orders and data is being attributed to the right thing.
If you know your customer's account number, simply enter it into the Your Code field on the corresponding row:
Click the Save button to save your entry.
Those you've mapped data to will disappear from the table, and their corresponding orders will appear in the Orders Ready to Deliver section of the Stream Dashboard.
Repeat this process for each error or warning you wish to fix. You can click on Order Dashboard at the top of the screen to return to the Stream Dashboard to deliver these newly cleaned orders.
Editing Existing Mapping
If you've previously mapped Account Numbers, Payment Terms, or any of the mappable fields and wish to make a change to them, the Edit Existing Mapping button at the top of the Data Mapping screen will allow you to do so.
For relevant data you've received on orders within Stream, you can fix/update mappings on each tab as you would as you fix order errors.
Make your desired change, then click Save to complete the change.
Add Data Mapping
Similar to the features above, you can pre-map data to customers, terms, etc. to prepare for future orders based on data you received previously. Click Add Data Mapping to navigate to this screen and map what you need.
Handling Order Errors
For data points you've set to Error, they will appear in the Order Error section of Stream. You can find these orders by clicking on the number under Order Errors on the Stream Dashboard.
Since you've set some options to Error, these orders can't be delivered and can only be Suspended. This is generally used as a "catch" to reach out to the Salesperson to confirm validity of the discount, etc. that was applied, or to ensure you're not receiving orders with caveats you don't accept.