Once you've built your order, you'll need to Finish it to set particulars, email copies, etc.
Prior to finishing your orders, there are some fields you can change/set as you're building your order such as Order Notes and PO Numbers. Those that can't be edited until the order is Finished are noted as such:
When ready to finish the orders you're working on, tap on Orders at the bottom of the screen to review your work.
Each Manufacturer you've selected items for will appear on the left, and tapping on each will let you toggle as needed.
Finishing Orders
When you've completed building your orders and want to move onto finalizing the details, (sending copies, printing, etc.) tap the Finish All button at the top of the screen.
NOTE: Once you've tapped FINISH ALL, you are no longer able to add additional Ship Dates and will be locked to only adding additional items for the Manufacturers you've created orders for during this session.
All orders will be Finished, they can not be Finished individually.
If you have multiple Ship Dates, a separate order will be created for each Ship Date within each Manufacturer.
The example above shows two separate orders for the Manufacturer Adora Dolls; one for 03/03/2023 and one for 10/23/2023.
Manufacturers with Product Lines will split similarly into different orders by Product Line.
You will then be asked to set an Order Status for the orders created.
Order Statuses
Quote - This status is most often the first choice. This will set the order's status to Quote, and allow you to make necessary changes and send a copy to the customer for review.
HFC - This is typically used after sending a Quote to a customer. This is to signify you're awaiting confirmation from the customer that it's good to send to the Manufacturer.
Confirm - This status is used when you've confirmed that the order is ready to be sent to the Manufacturer.
Now that the orders are finished, you may update all the relevant fields to finish the order(s).
NOTE: This is also the screen you're taken to if navigating to an order from the Find Orders screen.
Completing Required Fields
Fields that are required to be completed prior to transmitting the order are highlighted in red, as seen in the example below:
NOTE: If choosing a Payment Term that requires a Credit Card, you will enter that into the CREDIT CARD field below:
Adding a Promotion to an Order
Now that the order has been Finished, you may add a Promotion to it using the Promotion button.
Tap on the Tap to Set Promotions button to do so.
NOTE: Promotions may be viewed prior to finishing the order by tapping on the icon shown at the top of the screen:
Viewing Products on Orders
You can scroll down to see the products on each order, and filter/group/sort items as desired.
You can do so by Line, Availability Date, and sort by Item Number (SKU), Sequence (order added) and Name of each product.
Transmitting Orders
When you're ready to send out the orders, you have two options.
Sending Orders to a Customer
When you're ready to send a copy of the order(s) to your customer, tap the Share button in the top left corner of the screen (1).
Here you can choose to include product images, UPCs, and more (2), as well as choose which emails will receive these orders and which orders to send (3). When ready to send, click Continue to be taken to the Mail app on your iPad to send the emails.
NOTE: If you do not have an email address set up in your default Mail app, you will not be able to email orders from MarketTime Pro. You will instead need to use the Print option at the top to save it to your device for later use.
Sending Orders to a Manufacturer
MarketTime Pro will now support transmitting orders to Manufacturers directly from the device. To send an order, simply add the required fields to the Sales Order (Shipping Method, Payment Term, Credit Card, Sales Location/Order Code) and change the order status to Confirmed. Once the order is Confirmed there will be a Send To Vendor button in the top right of the order. Tap this to transmit the order to the vendor.
The order will send and the button will change to the date.
Exiting the Orders Screen
If you're ready to move onto something else within the app or are done with the orders on-screen, tapping Exit in the top left corner will take you back to the Home Screen.
This action will also sync the order to the cloud (https://apps.markettime.com) for your access.
The features related to Transmitting orders to the Manufacturer noted below are referencing features to be released soon!
- When you tapped Finish All, if you choose QUOTE ALL or HFC ALL, tapping Exit will NOT transmit orders to the Manufacturer, just sync them to the cloud for your access later.
- When you tapped Finish All, if you choose CONFIRM ALL, tapping Exit WILL transmit orders to the Manufacturer.