MarketTime has made changes to how Item Categories can be imported and utilized in MarketTime Pro.
This new category structure is reflected in MarketTime Product Import Template.
Overview of Changes
Moving from the "Manufacturer Collection" feature, the new MarketTime Category structure allows for more freedom in assigning items to multiple categories, having additional levels of categorization, and further functionality/filterability in the MarketTime Pro app.
NOTE: The columns in the file imported must match the new Category Column headers.
Before | After | Notes |
MFR Collection 1 | Top Level Category 1 | This is the highest level category for the product and begins this category "tree". It will appear as Manufacturer Collection 1 in the Web App, but Category in MarketTime Pro. |
MFR collection 2 |
Sub Category 1A |
This is the first Sub Category level for the product. It will appear as Manufacturer Collection 2 in the Web App, but appear as a Sub Category in MarketTime Pro. |
MFR Collection 3 | Sub Category 1B | This is the second Sub Category level for the product. It will appear as Manufacturer Collection 3 in the Web App, but as a Sub Category in MarketTime Pro. |
Sub Category 1C | This is the third Sub Category level for the product. It does not appear in the Web App, but will appear as a Sub Category in MarketTime Pro. |
Explanation of Categories
With the new Category structure, you are no longer limited to just a single "tree" of three levels of categorization like you were with the "Manufacturer Collections" feature.
This concept can be expanded to as many Category "trees" as your company needs. Using a number to denote the next Top Level Category (e.g. Top Level Category 2) and it's Sub Categories with the A, B, C, levels (e.g. Sub Category 2A, 2B, and 2C).
Below is an example of two additional Category "trees", for a total of 3 including the example above.
Top Level Category 2 |
Sub Category 2A |
Sub Category 2B |
Sub Category 2C |
Top Level Category 3 |
Sub Category 3A |
Sub Category 3B |
Sub Category 3C |
In addition, items may be assigned to as many Categories and their "trees" as desired.