This article contains common error messages and their resolutions when dealing with credit cards within MarketTime for third-party gateways as well as mtCharge.
Common Errors when Entering Credit Cards
The issues noted below are typically found when attempting to enter in a credit card in MarketTime by a Salesperson or Retailer.
Error: "The transaction has been declined"
Reason: This means the card is being declined by the card issuing bank. It could be for different reasons: flagged as fraud, insufficient funds, high level of recent activity, over the daily limit,
Resolution: The customer will need to contact their bank since their bank would know the specific reason, as well as be able to allow the transaction to go through.
Error: "The transaction has been declined because of an AVS mismatch. The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder"
Reason: This means the billing information being entered does not match the billing information for the card holder.
Resolution: Verify with the customer the correct billing information.
Error: "user authentication failed due to invalid authentication values"
Reason: This means the manufacturer's credentials that we have are incorrect.
Resolution: The Manufacturer should reach out to MarketTime Support to troubleshoot.
Error: "REJECT"
Reason: This means the billing information being entered does not match the billing information for the card holder.
Resolution: Verify with the customer the correct billing information.
Error: "This terminal or user id is not permitted to process this transaction type."
Reason: The Manufacturer's credentials that we have are incorrect.
Resolution: The Manufacturer should reach out to MarketTime Support to troubleshoot.
Error: "No error message was given...Please check your configuration"
Reason: The Manufacturer's credentials that we have are incorrect.
Resolution: The Manufacturer should reach out to MarketTime Support to troubleshoot.
Error : " Invalid vendor account"
Reason: The Manufacturer's credentials that we have are incorrect.
Resolution: The Manufacturer should reach out to MarketTime Support to troubleshoot.
Error: "Your card was declined"
Reason: This means the card is being declined by the card issuing bank. It could be for different reasons: flagged as fraud, insufficient funds, high level of recent activity, over the daily limit.
Resolution: The customer will need to contact their bank since their bank would know the specific reason, as well as be able to allow the transaction to go through.
Common Errors when Processing Payments
The errors below are commonly found when the Manufacturer attempts to process payment via mtCharge or a third-party gateway.
Error: "Error when Charging Card. Something went wrong."
Reason: Card information may not be correct/valid. Would have passed the initial CC entry during Order Entry, but something else is incorrect or has since been made invalid such as CVV, dates, or addresses.
Resolution: If the order originated and will be processed in MarketTime, the credit card can be simply added into the order by the Salesperson/Retailer and re-submitted for notification.
If the order originated in MT or BW and will be processed in Stream, the order must be Cancelled, Duplicated, then re-submitted with a new credit card. This is because Stream doesn’t allow the same order to be submitted twice.
Error: "Failed while trying to perform Charge transaction - Unexpected character encountered while parsing value"
Reason: Two "@" symbols in the customer's email.
Resolution: Correct the email address and retransmit the order.
Error: "Error in adding retailer card."
Reason: Customer's card is an HSA or FSA card.
Resolution: A different card must be used.
Error: "Cannot invoke "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode.asText()"
Reason: Manufacturer is not configured correctly in MarketTime.
Resolution: The Manufacturer should reach out to MarketTime Support to troubleshoot.
Error: "Your card was declined"
Reason: The payment method was declined.
Resolution: Use the Request Payment Update feature in MarketTime to request a new payment method securely and still be able to process via mtCharge.
Error: "invalid_account"
Reason: This generally means there’s an issue with the bank account or method of payment submitted on the order.
Resolution: Use the Request Payment Update feature in MarketTime to request a new payment method securely and still be able to process via mtCharge.
Error: "Failed when trying to perform Charge transaction. - manufacturerTakeRate is empty or null"
Reason: Manufacturer is not configured correctly in MarketTime.
Resolution: The Manufacturer should reach out to MarketTime Support to troubleshoot.