The information below is directed at Manufacturers with agencies migrating to MarketTime, and the order delivery options available.
Stream Basic or Stream Lite Users
To ensure that you are ready to receive orders and process payments on orders generated in the MarketTime platform, we ask that you read the information below and take any necessary action:
Step 1: If you do not already have a MarketTime account (MarketTime ID), please follow the instructions below to create one for your company
- Click HERE to be taken to the registration page
- Select "Manufacturers or Brands"
- Complete the required fields and submit your request
- Wait for your MarketTime ID to come via email within 24 hours
- If you are choosing to manage your data on behalf of your agencies, you will share that ID with them.
- Move to Step 2
Step 2: As a current Stream Basic or Stream Lite user, you must choose one of the following options:
- Upgrade your Stream Basic or Stream Lite subscription to Stream Standard and request of MarketTime to have your agency's orders pushed to the new Stream Standard subscription...
- By upgrading to a full Stream Standard subscription, your company can receive all your orders across Brandwise and MarketTime platforms in one location and benefit from order delivery automation. Please click HERE to contact Sales with your MarketTime ID from Step 1 to discuss how this service can support your business growth. Note that upgrading to Stream Standard will have an impact on your service costs with MarketTime.
- Receive and process your agency's orders directly in the MarketTime platform...
- If you currently have a Stream Lite subscription and would like to receive your agency's orders in the MarketTime platform, complete the form HERE with the MarketTime ID you created in Step 1. You will be provided with a MarketTime Order Delivery Plus subscription.
- If you currently have a Stream Basic subscription or have been receiving orders from your agency manually via email and would like to receive your agency's orders in the MarketTime platform, complete the form HERE with the MarketTime ID you created in Step 1. You will be provided with a complimentary MarketTime Order Delivery Basic subscription.
NOTE: If you already have a MarketTime Order Delivery Plus, Premium or Elite subscription and wish to receive your orders there, you do not need to reach out to MarketTime. Instead, click on the pop-up asking you to select your associated agencies, when you log into your MarketTime account. Please select your agency(ies) and click "submit request" to connect your company with theirs. For more information click HERE.
To learn more about the full range of order delivery options available in MarketTime, click HERE.
Optional: Review your payment processing selection
- Any payment gateway setting in your Stream Lite, or Stream Basic account (E.g., Stripe) will be mirrored in the MarketTime platform.
- If you would like to adjust your payment gateway, please click HERE to set up a meeting with a member of the Sales Team.
- If you are currently using HostedPCI manual credit card retrieval, consider using this time to switch to mtCharge or connecting a different 3rd-party gateway. HostedPCI manual credit card retrieval will be sunset later this year. Those who do not select an alternative by the time HostedPCI manual credit card retrieval is decommissioned will be set up with mtCharge so that there is no business disruption for you, your agency, or your sales reps.
Stream Standard Users
To ensure that you are ready to receive orders and process payments on orders we generate in the MarketTime platform, we ask that you read the information below and take any necessary action.
Step 1: If you do not already have a MarketTime account (MarketTime ID), please follow the instructions below to create one for your company
- Click HERE to be taken to the registration page
- Select "Manufacturers or Brands"
- Complete the required fields and submit your request
- Wait for your MarketTime ID to come via email within 24 hours
- If you are choosing to manage your data on behalf of your agencies, you will share that ID with them.
- If you choose to only receive orders and not manage data for your agency, to ensure that all orders will be delivered to the location and in the format you're used to (including credit card gateway/format), you will also need to link with any agency-managed accounts. Click HERE for instructions.
- Move to Step 2
Step 2: As a current Stream Standard user, you have two options:
- Continue receiving your agency's orders in your Stream Standard account…
- Orders placed in the MarketTime platform by your agency will be automatically pushed to your Stream Standard account. This process will leverage any existing integration you already have set up through Stream. If you choose this route, click HERE and complete the form with your new MarketTime ID# from Step 1.
- Receive and process your agency's orders directly in the MarketTime platform…
- If you would like to receive your orders directly in the MarketTime platform, or if you are a current MarketTime Order Delivery Elite customer, click HERE to complete your request. You will need your MarketTime ID number to fill out the form.
Optional: Review your payment processing selection
- Any payment gateway setting in your Stream Standard account (E.g., Stripe) will be mirrored in the MarketTime platform.
- If you are requesting to receive your orders in MarketTime and would also like to adjust your payment gateway, please indicate your preference when completing the form above.
- If you are currently using HostedPCI, consider using this time to switch to mtCharge or connecting a different 3rd-party gateway as HostedPCI will be sunset later this year. Those who do not select an alternative by the time HostedPCI is decommissioned will be set up with mtCharge so that there is no business disruption for you, your agency, or your sales reps.
Important Note for those using Data Mapping for Customers
When customer records are moved into MarketTime to be used by each migrating Sales Agency, we move them over as “agency-managed” records. This means that the Sales Agency fully controls the customer's account.
At the same time, we make a record in Stream that is tied to these “agency-managed” customer records in MarketTime. Our goal is to establish an existing mapping before agencies begin to write orders on MarketTime, which ensures that those records don't need to be re-mapped by suppliers that are still using Stream.
There are situations where a customer you're familiar with may need to be re-mapped, depending on further action that may be taken in MarketTime. This exception is based around how the customer registers for a Sales Agency's MarketTime powered B2B websites.
There are two ways a customer can shop on a MarketTime B2B website:
- The Sales Agency uses the Invite feature built into MarketTime, which uses the SAME customer record we moved and mapped from Brandwise, and sends an invite to them. Once the invite is accepted by the customer, they can shop, and are utilizing the SAME customer record we brought from Brandwise, thus won't require customer mapping in Stream.
- If the customer already has a MarketTime account, the built-in Invite feature won’t work, so the customer must log in with their existing account that they use to shop other MarketTime sites with. When the Sales Agency approves that Retailer's existing MarketTime account, a NEW customer record is created for that sales agency with the existing MarketTime account. For the Sales Agency, they now have 2 records for this customer; the one that was migrated from Brandwise, and the one that was approved to shop on the B2B website.
When the NEW customer record is used to write an order, it would need to be mapped as any other New customer would need to be mapped in Stream.
The same is true when the Sales Agency merges their original customer record (from Brandwise) into the NEW record to consolidate the aforementioned duplicate accounts. The NEW record is the one that “survives” the merge, thus being the record that you will see when the order comes through to Stream.
Any future orders would then come from this NEW record.
These NEW records only need to be mapped once, then it’s permanently mapped like all other customers.