For agencies transitioning from Brandwise to MarketTime, a "Vendor Tracker" will be provided, and is a collaborative document that is meant to provide you with the necessary information to communicate with your Manufacturers to ensure they take any necessary action to ensure order delivery is not interrupted, as well what's available to them within MarketTime to support your business after your migration.
Vendor Tracker Overview
The video below covers the general use of a Vendor Tracker, and the typical things you'll interact with.
Column Definitions
Below is a brief overview of each column you'll find on the Vendor Tracker.
Not all columns may be relevant to you and are meant to be used as reference for the MarketTime Staff member who may be assisting you during your transition, these columns are noted with a *
Column | Definition |
VendorName | Manufacturer's name |
VendorID | Unique Brandwise ID for Manufacturer |
MarketTimeID | Unique MarketTime ID for Manufacturer |
BW Service | Current Brandwise Order Delivery service |
BW Payment Gateway* | Current Payment Gateway in Brandwise |
PublishedCatalogCount | Current count of published catalogs |
BPEProcesses* | List of data automations in Brandwise |
MT Subscription | Current MarketTime Subscription |
MT Order Export* | Current MarketTime order export method |
MT Payment Gateway* | Current Payment Gateway in MarketTime |
Count of Items | Count of active items available for use |
Items without Images | Count of active items without images |
Last Import Date | Last date product were updated |