To get the necessary credentials needed to connect Quickbooks/Intuit Merchant Services to Brandwise and/or MarketTime, you will need to log in to the Intuit Developer portal using your Quickbooks account.
Before going to log in to the Developer account with Intuit, it is important to obtain your username that you log in to Quickbooks with. This is what will be used to log in to the Developer account.
If using Quickbooks Desktop:
1. Locate and click on the User icon in the menu bar of Quickbooks Desktop.
2. Take note of the UserID listed in the pop-up. This is the UserID you will use to log in to the Intuit Developer Account.
If using Quickbooks Online:
1. Locate and click on the user account dropdown in the top right.
2. Take note of the email address listed underneath the user's full name. This is the UserID you will use to log in to the Intuit Developer Account.
Now that you have your UserID, you will log in to the Intuit Developer portal to get the keys needed.
1. Navigate to
2. Click Sign In
3. Enter your Email or UserID and Password and click Sign In.
4. Once signed in, locate and click the Dashboard button in the top right.
5. Click "+Create an app".
6. Click "Quickbooks Online and Payments".
7. Name the app "Brandwise Tokenization" and select "" as the scope. Click Create App.
8. On the left-hand side click "Keys & credentials" under Production Settings.
9. Before gaining access to the Production keys, you will need to complete the seven sections below:
- 9a. Verify your email address: If this is not checked already, click on it and follow the steps to verify your email.
- 9b. Complete your Intuit Developer Portal profile and verify your email address: If this is not checked already, click on it and fill out the rest of the information in the form. Be sure to provide the name of the business at the bottom of the form for the Company Name.
9c. Add your app's end-user license agreement and privacy policy: Click on this and enter the following URLs for the EULA & Privacy Policy:
- End User License Agreement URL:
- Privacy Policy URL:
9d. Add your app's host domain, launch URL, and disconnect URL:
- Host Domain:
- Launch URL:
- Disconnect URL:
9e. Select at least one category for your app.
- Select Payment.
9f. Tell us about regulated industries that use your app:
- Check "None of the above" as the Target Industry.
9g. Tell us where your app is hosted:
- Click "Add country".
- Select "United States of America".
- Click "+ Add IP Address".
- Click "IP Address Range".
- Enter as the Start Range and as the End Range.
9h. Countries you accept connections from:
- Select all that apply to you. Select United States at the very least.
- 9i. Scroll down and click Save.
10. On the left-hand side, click "Keys & credentials" under Production Settings once more.
11. Under the "Complete the app assessment questionaire", click "Go to the app assessment questionaire".
12. Click "Start questionaire".
13. Select the app name from the topmost dropdown.
14. Under the General Questions section, please answer each of the five questions as it relates to your business. For questions number 3 and 4, please answer Yes.
15. Under the App Information section for question "1. Which of the following is true about your app (at least one option must be checked):", select the last option: You were asked to create this app in order to get credentials/keys to be used on another platform that integrates with QuickBooks.
- 15a. Enter the following under the text box that reads "Provide a link to the instructions that told you to create a new app."
16. For question number 2 under App Information "Have you added some form of Re-CAPTCHA" to your site or app to prevent fraudulent transactions?", please answer "We do not process payments".
***PLEASE NOTE: You may not be able to proceed until your submitted questionaire answers have been approved.***
17. Click the "OAuth 2.0 Playground" as highlighted in the image below.
18. In the "Select App" dropdown, select "Brandwise Tokenization (Production)". *Note: If you named your app something different in Step 7 above, that name will be shown here. Again, be sure to select the app with (Production) on the end.
19. Scroll down to find the Client ID and Client Secret.
20. Open a new tab in your internet browser and navigate here:
21. Fill out the form using your Company Name, First/Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number. Then, copy and paste the Client ID and the Client Secret from the screen in the previous step.
22. In the Intuit Developer tab, just under where the Client ID/Client Secret were obtained, check the "" checkbox and click "Get authorization code".
23. You should see a pop-up confirming that you want to connect the app (Brandwise Tokenization) to your company in Quickbooks. Click Connect.
*Note: If this pop-up does not occur, please contact so we may assist you further.
24. Now, under Step 2, click "Get tokens".
25. Scroll down to Step 4 and copy the Refresh token.
26. Paste the Refresh token into the Quickbooks form in the other tab.
27. Submit the form to Brandwise/MarketTime.