Within the MarketTime ecosystem, there are various user/record roles types referenced within our Support Center, API documentation, and in general communication that this article serves to describe.
RepGroup (AKA Sales Agency)
A RepGroup (AKA Sales Agency) is the account type that is required to have Order Writing and/or B2B services within MarketTime.
RepGroups are represented with a RepGroup ID beginning with the letter R (e.g. R123) and is unique to each company.
Users with RepGroup access can perform these basic functions (provided they have the applicable user permissions enabled by their Main Admin):
- Creating/Editing Customers
- Manage Customer/Salespeople assignments
- Creating/Editing Manufacturers
- Requesting links to self-managed Manufacturer accounts
- Import Items/Products for Manufacturer accounts managed by their RepGroup
- Manage Divisions/Territories within their RepGroup
- Create/Edit Salespeople within their RepGroup
- Writing/Transmitting Orders to Customers/Manufacturers
- Running Reports within MarketTime or with mtView*
- Manage/populate their B2B Website*
- Create/Edit/Manage Commission related information (Checks, Invoices, Commissions, rates, etc.).*
*The Commissions Module, B2B Websites, and mtView are available as an add-ons to your RepGroup account. Click each product for more information.
Additional, detailed information about the capabilities of RepGroup (AKA Sales Agency) accounts may be found here: https://support.markettime.com/hc/en-us/articles/7519683512731-Helpful-Quick-Links-with-Video-Sales-Agency-Administrators
A Salesperson is the account type that exists within a RepGroup. These are managed by RepGroup (AKA Sales Agency) Admin users as noted above.
Salespeople are represented with a Salesperson ID beginning with the letter S (e.g. S123) and is unique to each company.
Users with Salesperson access can perform these basic functions (provided they have the applicable user permissions enabled by their Main Admin):
- Creating/Editing Customers
- Writing/Transmitting Orders to Customers/Manufacturers
- Running Reports within MarketTime or with mtView*
- Viewing Manufacturer information (items, promotions, etc.)
*mtView is available as an add-on to your RepGroup account. See above for more information.
Additional, detailed information about the capabilities of Salespeople accounts may be found here: https://support.markettime.com/hc/en-us/articles/7519705510811-Helpful-Quick-Links-with-Video-Salespeople
A Manufacturer is the account type that exists to receive orders and manage product/company info for RepGroups (AKA Sales Agencies).
Manufacturers are represented with a Manufacturer ID beginning with the letter M (e.g. M123) and is unique to each company.
Users with Manufacturer access can perform these basic functions depending on your Subscription level:
- Upload Items and Images
- Upload Promotions
- Upload Documents/Catalogs for Hotspotting.
- Receive orders*
- Including the ability to update the Order Status of any given order.
- Utilize our Public API for Item, Image, Order, etc. management*
- Process Payments on orders received**
*The format and method of receiving orders and utilizing our Public API will depend on your company's Subscription level. CLICK HERE for more information about order delivery/data management options available to you.
**CLICK HERE for more information about Payment Processing options available to you.
Additional, detailed information about the capabilities of Manufacturer accounts may be found here: https://support.markettime.com/hc/en-us/articles/7519746707355-Helpful-Quick-Links-with-Video-Manufacturers
A Retailer is the account type that exists in two ways:
- Managed by a RepGroup, with no user attached. These exist uniquely within each RepGroup.
- Managed by itself, with a user attached. These exist as "self-managed", and can be found within multiple RepGroups.
More info about each is below.
Retailers are represented with a Retailer ID beginning with the letter B (e.g. B123) and is unique to each Retailer.
Retailer records managed by a RepGroup have a Retailer ID unique to each RepGroup. These are "versions" of the retailer that exist within each RepGroup, so information may differ between them.
Retailer records managed by themselves, who have a user attached, may retain the same Retailer ID across multiple RepGroups. This is typically seen when a Retailer has created an account to shop across multiple B2B Websites in the MarketTime ecosystem.
Users with Manufacturer access can perform these basic functions:
- Log into MarketTime B2B Websites
- This requires approval by each RepGroup
- Write Orders and Transmit them to their assigned Salesperson.
- Securely enter in Payment information (Credit Card, Banking Information*) for one-time or future use.
*The use of Banking Information is exclusive to Manufacturers who are utilizing mtCharge as their Payment Gateway. For Manufacturers who wish to learn more, CLICK HERE.