For those who may be using multiple currencies in Brandwise and are making the move to MarketTime, this article is for you!
Things to Know
- At this time, MarketTime currently only supports a single currency, USD.
- When prices are referenced across the platform (be it during Order Entry, or on your B2B Website), it will include the $ symbol.
- If you are a single currency company that works with a currency other than USD (Such as CAD), simply import your prices as you normally would. Though they'll appear with the $ symbol, the value entered will be the CAD value. All that requires is a general understanding of you and your retailers that the value is indeed in CAD.
- Any value may be entered in for item prices as long as the above is taken into consideration. More information about options available to you can be found below.
- If going with the "Separate Manufacturer Accounts" scenario noted below, orders from each Manufacturer account can be aggregated to a single location/account if the Manufacturer needs all orders in a single location.
Options Available
If you a multi-currency company, there are a few options available to manage your data.
Price Codes - Using Price Codes allows for separate "lists" of nameable prices. You could have your base Unit Price in USD, but a Price Code called "CAD" with the value of your CAD prices. This is best if there is no clear separation of customers and pricing they utilize.
Separate Manufacturer Accounts - While a bit more work, having separate Manufacturer accounts for each currency is the best way to keep customers from seeing pricing/products exclusive to each currency. This can be achieved by creating a new Manufacturer, and importing pricing for each. This can be further expanded upon by assigning your Manufacturers and Retailers to Divisions relevant to their country/currency.
A popular example would be to have a USD and CAD version of their Manufacturer, each assigned to a US/CA Division, and all relevant Retailers being assigned to their respective Divisions.
Once this is done, toggling the Division Filter on your B2B Website will ensure that those assigned to the US Division will only see the US Manufacturer and pricing, and vice versa for the CA/CAD Manufacturer and Retailers.