In this article you will find the most popular mtView reports for Manufacturers. This is a growing list.
mtView - Sales Analysis New Monthly Report
Sales Analysis now includes a new report that displays data by month, as well as YTD performance vs. LYTD and LY TTL. Use the flexibility of Sales Analysis to view results by month for one data element (e.g., Sales by Manufacturer) or many data elements (e.g., Sales by Manufacturer by State by Zip Code by Customer) at a monthly level.
We have also added additional fields that can be utilized in the Sales Analysis reports, including Ship To Email.
See the report in action here.
mtView - Performance Comparison to MarketTime Industry Index
Manufacturers can now compare their performance to the MarketTime Industry Index! The MarketTime Industry Index is an exclusive resource comprised of aggregate industry data from over $5B of B2B orders processed through the MarketTime platform. Now available in mtView Advanced Analytics, manufacturers can easily compare their performance trends, filtered by Sales Agency, State, or Zip Code, to the index.
See the report in action, HERE
mtView - Customer Map
Looking for a map view to see all your customers, with the ability to quickly get a snapshot of sales by state, county and customer? The Customer Map report in mtView, available for Admins, Manufacturers, and Salespeople has been enhanced! Quickly see an overview of performance nationwide, by state, by county or by customer. Hover over a state, county, or customer to see order history during a selected period, YTD, LYTD and LYT + the last order date. Use filters to further refine the results, e.g., using the Order Code filter to only see orders from B2B ecommerce sites.
mtView - YTD Comparison Overview
The YTD Comparison Overview report in mtView has been enhanced! Available for Manufacturers, this report provides an order history comparison, by customer. Easily compare YTD performance vs. LYTD and Last Year Total Volume. Use filters to further refine the report, e.g., to see only orders generated from a B2B eCommerce site or from a specific trade show.
See the report in action, HERE
mtView - Executive Overview
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins
The Executive Overview report in mtView has been enhanced! Available for Manufacturers and Sales Agency Admins, this set of reports enables users to drill through their data and get answers quickly. Users can go from a summary view of performance (e.g., order volume across all customers) down to detailed customer-specific information (e.g., what items this customer purchased in the last month) in just a few clicks, all within one dashboard. This report also includes an interactive map to visualize your sales.
See the report in action, HERE
Sales Analysis Report
The Sales Analysis report is one of the most powerful and flexible reports available in mtView. Available for Admins, Salespeople, and Manufacturers, the Sales Analysis report gives you the power to design the reports you need to manage your business. Do you have a question about sales performance that you want to answer? Odds are that you can get the answer with Sales Analysis!
With new fields and filters added, the Sales Analysis report is a MUST-HAVE for all stakeholders in the MarketTime ecosystem.
See the Sales Analysis report in action HERE.
Customer Account Trend Details Report
As an Admin, Salesperson, or Manufacturer, you want to easily identify customers that have had a significant change in purchasing behavior. To help you achieve this, the Customer Account Trend Details report is now available in mtView for all user types. This flexible report allows you to set a date range (e.g., last 90 days), and select criteria (e.g., 30% Decrease in Order $s) to quickly identify customers that match the selected filters.
Stop searching for the data and have it sent directly to your inbox! Use mtView to configure the report settings you want, and then subscribe to have the report sent to your inbox every week, so you are always aware of customers that are trending significantly down or up.
See the Customer Account Trend Details report in action HERE.
Top Selling Items Report
As an Admin, Salesperson, or Manufacturer, you want to identify your top-selling items easily. This report makes that task simple! The Top Selling Items report details the # of POs each item was sold on, the total # of items sold, and the sales of the item. To further refine the report, you can select a date range and apply any filters you would like to utilize (e.g., Manufacturer, Salesperson, Customer, Order Code). You can even filter by Category, to see the top-selling items in an item category, such as Christmas, Outdoors, or Candles.
Use mtView to configure the report settings you want, and then subscribe to have the report sent to your inbox every week, so you are always aware of your top-selling items!
See the Top Selling Items report in action HERE.
Inactive Customer Alert Report
As an Admin, Salesperson, or Manufacturer, you want to easily identify customers who have not recently ordered. To help you achieve this, the Inactive Customer Alert Report is now available in mtView for all user types. This flexible report allows you to set a date range (e.g., a customer with orders in the last 365 days, but no orders in the last 60 days) and then select a minimum order criteria (e.g., at least $500 of orders total) to quickly identify those who match the selected filters. Stop searching for the information you need to take action - have the report sent to your inbox, so you can focus on re-activating these customers!
See the report in action, HERE.
Has Not Purchased an Item Report
Need to know which customers have not yet purchased a best-seller? Are you preparing for appointments in a city and want to see which customers have not purchased an item? The Has Not Purchased Item Report in mtView makes this task easy!
Simply select a date range to filter for the period in which the item has/has not been purchased, then select an item #. The report will display all customers who have not purchased the selected item during the selected time period.
See the report in action, HERE.
Want to learn more about how mtView can bring your data to life and help you grow your sales? Request a 1:1 demo HERE.