If an "Out of Stock" banner appears for a product in your MarketTime Pro app, there is likely a discrepancy between what is listed in the item's minimum quantity and the quantity available fields.
To troubleshoot, check the item's details in apps.markettime or the Manufacturer's import sheet to make sure that the quantity available is greater than the amount listed as the the minimum quantity.
EX: Suppose a Manufacturer sells red widgets and just received a large shipment from their factory overseas. In the data file (or in the item details on apps.markettime), the Manufacturer should list the minimum quantity as 6 (the minimum number of widgets the Mfr allows a buyer to order) and 5,000 as the quantity available (the number of widgets they have in inventory).
When the quantity available is less than the minimum quantity, Pro will list the item with an "Out of Stock" banner. Once the fields have been corrected, sync the app to refresh the data and the "Out of Stock" banner should disappear.