MarketTime has recently updated its features to serve you better. To stay up-to-date with these new releases, log in to your MarketTime Dashboard at and click the "Latest Changes" button to view system updates every week. You can also take a look at the release notes below.
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- December 19, 2024
- December 5, 2024
- November 21, 2024
- November 14, 2024
- November 7, 2024
- October 24, 2024
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- October 3, 2024
- September 26, 2024
- September 19, 2024
- September 12, 2024
- September 5, 2024
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- August 1, 2024
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- March 21, 2024
- March 15, 2024
- March 7, 2024
- February 29, 2024
- February 22, 2024
- February 1, 2024
- January 4, 2024
December 19, 2024
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople Retailers
Duplicate Orders: We have resolved an issue where line item orders containing 300+ line items placed using the MarketTime B2B Mobile Application would sometimes create two (duplicate) orders after syncing to the cloud (
Important Note
If you have experienced duplicate orders after using the MarketTime B2B Mobile Application, please follow these steps:
- Login to the MarketTime B2B Mobile Application on your mobile device
- Run a sync
- Delete the app from your device
- Reinstall the MarketTime B2B Mobile Application from the app store according to your device:
- If you have not experienced duplicate orders, please simply update to the latest version of the application on your device:
If you have experienced duplicate orders after using the MarketTime B2B Mobile Application, please follow these steps:
Important Note
"Order Writer" on Order Copies and PDFs: We have resolved an issue where the "Order Writer" name on order copies (PDFs and printouts) was sometimes showing a different name than the on-screen version of an order. Now, the two values match:
Split Salesperson Commission: We have resolved an issue where detailed commission reports generated during the final "Pay Salespeople" process were not outputting commission information for salespeople who split commission. The example below shows the split commission is now displayed for the second salesperson:
Duplicate Territories: We have resolved an issue where a salesperson assigned to multiple territories containing the same zip code, such as this scenario:
- Sales rep "Sally Salesperson" is assigned to:
- Territory 1 for Division A (Contains ZIP code: 12345)
- Territory 2 for Division B (Also contains ZIP code: 12345)
- When "Sally Salesperson" is removed from Territory 1, she stays assigned to Territory 2 (her ZIP code 12345 customers) instead of becoming unassigned from all ZIP code 12345 customers
- Sales rep "Sally Salesperson" is assigned to:
B2B E-Commerce Customers: We have resolved an issue where the "Export B2B Web Registrants" report failed to download.
December 5, 2024
mtView - Sales Analysis New Monthly Report
Sales Agency AdminsSalespeopleManufacturers
Sales Analysis now includes a new report that displays data by month, as well as YTD performance vs. LYTD and LY TTL. Use the flexibility of Sales Analysis to view results by month for one data element (e.g., Sales by Manufacturer) or many data elements (e.g., Sales by Manufacturer by State by Zip Code by Customer) at a monthly level.
We have also added additional fields that can be utilized in the Sales Analysis reports, including Ship To Email.
See the report in action here.
mtView - Agency Supplier Order Delivery (Vendor Account Status)
Sales Agency Admins
Agency Admins often want visibility into how their brand partners are receiving orders and processing payments. Until now, that information has been difficult to obtain. With the new Agency Supplier Order Delivery report, this data is available in one easy-to-use location. Users can utilize the report for several use cases including:
- Which brand partners are still receiving orders into Stream?
- Which vendors are on mtCharge for payment processing?
- Which vendors are receiving orders only via email and have no access to orders within the MarketTime Web Portal
See the report in action here.
mtView - Daily Sales Statistics
Sales Agency Admins
Want to see Daily, MTD and YTD sales figures, by salesperson or manufacturer, with % change comparisons to previous periods, all in one report? The Daily Sales Statistics Report has been improved to put this data right at your fingertips.
See the report in action here.
Items Import
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins
The MarketTime Items Import Template now includes an External ID field. This enhancement enables you to import an external ID into MarketTime, making it easier to link your items to external systems. You can download the updated template using the following link: Updated Item Import Template.
Shipping Location Management
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople Retailers
As an admin user at a sales agency, when you try to clean up duplicate shipping locations for self-managed retailers, the popup formerly in the web portal sometimes had unintended consequences. Orders tied to the addresses you deleted would get deleted as well. No one wants orders to be deleted by mistake! To prevent this from happening, we have simplified the shipping location deletion popup so that:
- "Yes" means: Yes, I want to delete the address.
- "No" means: No thanks. I changed my mind; don't delete the address.
Web Portal ( | B2B E-Commerce Website |
In both cases, all orders are retained, and no orders are deleted. This popup behavior will also be visible to retailers who manage their accounts and shipping locations so orders are not accidentally deleted.
mtPro Licences
As a manager for a Sales Agency, when assigning users to mtPro licenses, you will now see the username for each user, so it's easier to select the correct user, everytime.
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Customer Assignments: We have resolved an issue where the Customers > Assignments page would load slowly or fail to load for long lists of customers.
- Salesperson Assignments: We have resolved an issue where salespeople were sometimes not assigned to customers if that customer was linked to two or more sales agencies in MarketTime.
November 21, 2024
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople Retailers
- Saving Credit Cards: We have resolved an issue where customer credit cards could sometimes not be saved when added through
- Salesperson Assignments: We have resolved various performance issues causing delayed load times when viewing salesperson assignments on customers.
- "Rep Paid" Orders: We have resolved an issue where "Rep Paid" orders were being changed to a status of "Invoiced" when new invoices were added to the order.
November 14, 2024
- Scanning Barcodes: We have resolved an issue with slow response times when scanning item barcodes using the MarketTime B2B Mobile app. The scanning speed has been increased to reduce the time it takes to scan and add multiple items to orders. These improvements are available in version 7.19.0.
November 7, 2024
Sales Agency Admins
- Promotions: We have resolved an issue where promotions from multiple sales agencies would sometimes appear on the finalize order screen.
October 24, 2024
"Not Transmitted" Orders
Sales Agency Admins
Based on your feedback, we have added a new way to filter and view orders to ensure that all orders have been transmitted to the manufacturer. You can now filter orders only to show orders with a Manufacturer status of "Not Transmitted".
To use this new feature, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to any list of orders
- Click Advanced
- Click Manufacturer Status
- Select Not Transmitted from the list
- Click Search
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople Retailers
- Exchange Ship To Location on B2B E-Commerce Orders: We have resolved an issue where no shipping locations appear on the screen for B2B e-commerce customers when trying to change the shipping location while writing an order.
October 18, 2024
Order Writer Split Salesperson Commission
Based on your feedback, we have changed how the system handles when salespeople do not split commissions with order writers.
Before | Now | |
Scenario |
In the following scenario:
On the "Commission Quick Entry" Screen |
On Reports:
The order writer salesperson would appear on reports, even when they were owed $0.00 in commission.
The order writer salesperson will NOT appear on reports when they are owed $0.00 in commission. |
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Exchange Ship To Location on Orders: We have resolved an issue where no shipping locations appeared on the screen when trying to change the shipping location while writing a line item or summary order.
October 3, 2024
mtView - Customer Maps
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
We've added additional filters and enhanced the customer map to make it easier to see key features (roads, city lines, etc.) on the underlying map when zoomed in.
mtView - Sales Analysis Report
Sales Agency Admins
Sales Analysis, one of the most popular reports available in mtView, is now even more powerful! We’ve updated the report to include:
- An additional selectable level (now totaling 5 levels) to give you even more control of the report
- A new level field “Customer Bill To Address” that includes the full customer address (Name, Street, City, State, Zip), enabling users to get full customer information within one level, freeing up other levels to be used for different data types
- A filter for Salesperson Territory
mtView - Customer Detail Report
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
Want to see detailed information for a customer, including Bill To / Ship Addresses, Contacts, Notes, and Sales Trends by Manufacturer, all in one place? The Customer Detail Report has been improved to put this data right at your fingertips.
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Order Statuses: We have resolved an issue where orders were not automatically updated with a "Complete" status when they met or exceeded the "Auto Close" percent in a Sales Agency account.
- Canceled Orders: We have resolved an issue with the email subject line being incorrect for canceled orders.
- View Orders: We have resolved an issue where order totals were incorrectly displayed when filtering by date.
September 26, 2024
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Digital Catalogs: We have resolved an issue where salespeople would be logged out when adding items to an order from digital catalogs.
- Customers Export: We have resolved an issue where the customer export would sometimes be blank depending on which filters were used to run the export.
- Salesperson Group on Orders: We have resolved an error where the salesperson group value was not visible on orders.
September 19, 2024
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- B2B Registrants: We have resolved an issue where some shipping locations for B2B registrants didn't get salesperson assignments after being approved by a sales agency.
- Commission Import: We have resolved an issue where the commission import tool did not work correctly when mapping the "Direct" order column.
- Order Writer: We have resolved an issue where the order writer column wants to sort order lists alphabetically.
- Customer Transfer Tool: We have resolved an issue where the tool would sometimes time out.
- Promotions: We have resolved an issue where promotions were not displaying correctly on the B2B e-commerce website.
- Items: We have resolved an error where the "Last Import Date" would sometimes not show up after importing items.
September 12, 2024
mtView - Performance Comparison to MarketTime Industry Index
Manufacturers can now compare their performance to the MarketTime Industry Index! The MarketTime Industry Index is an exclusive resource comprised of aggregate industry data from over $5B of B2B orders processed through the MarketTime platform. Now available in mtView Advanced Analytics, manufacturers can easily compare their performance trends, filtered by Sales Agency, State, or Zip Code, to the index.
See the report in action, HERE
mtView - Customer Map
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
Looking for a map view to see all your customers, with the ability to quickly get a snapshot of sales by state, county and customer? The Customer Map report in mtView, available for Admins, Manufacturers, and Salespeople has been enhanced! Quickly see an overview of performance nationwide, by state, by county or by customer. Hover over a state, county, or customer to see order history during a selected period, YTD, LYTD and LYT + the last order date. Use filters to further refine the results, e.g., using the Order Code filter to only see orders from B2B ecommerce sites.
September 5, 2024
Enhanced Salesperson Groups
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
We recently released new features for salesperson groups.
As part of these enhancements, you will now be able to tie orders to salesperson groups, helping you monitor, analyze, and report on the performance of your sales teams.
Salesperson List Improvements
The Salesperson page now includes a column showing which group(s) a salesperson belongs to. If you hover over the group name, you'll see the salesperson's primary group with a yellow star next to it. The export also contains the salesperson group information.
To learn more about salesperson groups, visit this help article: About Salesperson Groups.
mtView - Performance Comparison to MarketTime Industry Index
Sales Agency Admins
How are your B2B sales performing compared to the rest of the industry? This is a question every business owner wants answered, but getting access to reliable benchmarks can be a challenge, particularly for those selling products to independent and specialty retailers.
Over $5B of B2B orders are processed through the MarketTime platform annually, composed largely of sales to independent and specialty retailers. Our customers shared how difficult it was to assess their sales trends against a benchmark that was relevant to their business. To address this need, MarketTime is proud to introduce the MarketTime Industry Index - an exclusive resource comprised of aggregate industry data. Ready to compare your sales growth to the index? The Performance Comparison to MarketTime Industry Index report is now available in mtView. Easily compare your performance trends to the index and use filters to refine your comparison.
See the report in action, HERE
Sales Agency Admins
Modified By: We have resolved an issue where the "Modified By" name would sometimes show the wrong name when an order was first created.
August 29, 2024
Quick Links
- New: Enhanced Salesperson Groups Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Improved: Season/Program Codes Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Improved: mtView - Executive Overview Report Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Fixed
Enhanced Salesperson Groups
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
As an operations manager for a sales agency, the "Salesperson Group" feature in MarketTime helps when you need to split salespeople into groups or teams. Previously, you were limited to putting each salesperson into only one group.
With today's release, you can add salespeople to one or more salesperson groups and designate a primary group for each person.
If you want to learn more about this new feature, visit our help article: About Salesperson Groups.
Season/Program Codes
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
We have made a few updates to how “Season/Program Codes” are handled in the MarketTime web portal. You'll notice that "Seasonal Codes" has been updated to "Season/Program Codes" to offer more flexibility with this field.
You'll also see "Season/Program Code" information on order copies as well:
mtView - YTD Comparison Overview
The YTD Comparison Overview report in mtView has been enhanced! Available for Manufacturers, this report provides an order history comparison, by customer. Easily compare YTD performance vs. LYTD and Last Year Total Volume. Use filters to further refine the report, e.g., to see only orders generated from a B2B eCommerce site or from a specific trade show.
See the report in action, HERE
mtView - Executive Overview
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins
The Executive Overview report in mtView has been enhanced! Available for Manufacturers and Sales Agency Admins, this set of reports enables users to drill through their data and get answers quickly. Users can go from a summary view of performance (e.g., order volume across all customers) down to detailed customer-specific information (e.g., what items this customer purchased in the last month) in just a few clicks, all within one dashboard. This report also includes an interactive map to visualize your sales.
See the report in action, HERE
Sales Agency Admins Manufacturers
Item Assortments: We have resolved an issue where the extended total did not appear for child items in assortments.
August 22, 2024
Quick Links
- New
- Default Order Codes for Manually Entered Direct Orders Sales Agency Admins
- Item Assortments on Mobile Orders Sales Agency Admins Manufacturers
- Fixed
Default Order Codes for Manually Entered Direct Orders
Sales Agency Admins
As a commission manager for a sales agency, when you enter direct orders manually, you don't want to spend time updating the order code each time. To make it easier and faster to enter direct orders, you can now set a default order code for manually entered direct orders like you can for imported direct orders.
To set your default "Order Code" follow these steps: Managing Direct Order Settings.
Item Assortments on Mobile Orders
Sales Agency Admins Manufacturers
As part of our new Item Assortments capabilities in MarketTime, if you or a salesperson write an order using MarketTime's B2B mobile app, the (child) items included in the assortment will appear on order printouts and PDFs.
Sales Agency Admins Manufacturers
- Order Import: We have resolved an issue where an error of "The orders were not saved" would sometimes appear when importing orders.
- "Created By" on Orders: We have resolved an issue where the name in the "Created By" field was a salesperson's name instead of the logged-in admin user's name.
August 16, 2024
- Improved: mtView - Top Selling Items Report Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Fixed
mtView - Top Selling Items Report
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
As an Admin, Salesperson, or Manufacturer, you want to identify your top-selling items easily. This report makes that task simple! The Top Selling Items report details the # of POs each item was sold on, the total # of items sold, and the sales of the item. To further refine the report, you can select a date range and apply any filters you would like to utilize (e.g., Manufacturer, Salesperson, Customer, Order Code). You can even filter by Category, to see the top-selling items in an item category, such as Christmas, Outdoors, or Candles.
Use mtView to configure the report settings you want, and then subscribe to have the report sent to your inbox every week, so you are always aware of your top-selling items!
See the Top Selling Items report in action HERE.
Sales Agency Admins Manufacturers
- Commission Adjustments: We have resolved an issue where "Miscellaneous Adjustments" were not appearing on salesperson commission statements.
- Quantity on Order Copies: We have resolved an issue where the quantity column was too wide on order copies (print and PDF).
August 9, 2024
Quick Links
- New: Import Item Assortments Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins
- Fixed
Import Item Assortments
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins
Attention all manufacturers and agencies managing manufacturer items: You can now import item assortments for the products you sell in MarketTime! Item assortments consolidate multiple items under one item number.
Importing item assortments is easy and only requires three pieces of information:
- Assortment Item Number (the parent item number of the assortment)
- Item Number (the item number for each child item included in the assortment)
- Quantity in Assortment (how many of each child item is included in the assortment)
To learn how to import item assortments, please visit this article: Import Item Assortments.
Sales Agency Admins Manufacturers
- Customer Assignments: We fixed an issue where changing the customer's Bill To address would reset the "Assign by Ship To" toggle when a Retailer is set to "Assign by Ship To" using the toggle found on the Assignments tab within the customer.
- Import Commission: We resolved an issue where a "Customer not found for the invoice" error is displayed when the user selects the same PO number from the "Search PO Number" popup and the direct order toggle.
- Commission Quick Entry: We fixed an issue where the Order Writer, Customer, and City columns show incorrect values when viewing the "Commission Quick Entry" list by "Bill to" or "Ship to."
- Order Export: We have resolved an issue where detailed file information was not provided when using the #44 file export setting.
- Order Entry: We fixed an issue where catalogs would show and could be ordered from for inactive Manufacturers on the Digital Catalogs tab within a sales order.
August 1, 2024
Quick Links
- Item Assortments Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- mtView: Inactive Customer Alert Report Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Commission Import Advanced Customer Search Sales Agency Admins
- mtView: Has Not Purchased Item Report Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Fixed
Item Assortments
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
Attention all manufacturers and agencies managing manufacturer items: You can now utilize item assortments for the products you sell in MarketTime! Item assortments consolidate multiple items under one item number and barcode.
Specifying which items were part of an assortment and how many items were included used to be challenging. Now, you can easily add, edit, and export the assortments you sell.
You can also use item assortments as a salesperson. Quickly scan a single barcode or add a single item number for assortments. With just one scan or click, you're all set!
To learn how to use this new feature, please visit this article: Item Assortments.
mtView - Inactive Customer Alert Report
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
As an Admin, Salesperson, or Manufacturer, you want to easily identify customers who have not recently ordered. To help you achieve this, the Inactive Customer Alert Report is now available in mtView for all user types. This flexible report allows you to set a date range (e.g., a customer with orders in the last 365 days, but no orders in the last 60 days) and then select a minimum order criteria (e.g., at least $500 of orders total) to quickly identify those who match the selected filters. Stop searching for the information you need to take action - have the report sent to your inbox, so you can focus on re-activating these customers! See the report in action, HERE.
Commission Import Advanced Customer Search
Sales Agency Admins
We listened to your feedback about how the advanced customer search tool in the commission importer. To make it easier to find customers when importing new direct orders, the customer name from your import file will appear at the top of the search window, so you know which customer you're looking for:
mtView - Has Not Purchased Item Report
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
Need to know which customers have not yet purchased a best-seller? Are you preparing for appointments in a city and want to see which customers have not purchased an item? The Has Not Purchased Item Report in mtView makes this task easy!
Simply select a date range to filter for the period in which the item has/has not been purchased, then select an item #. The report will display all customers who have not purchased the selected item during the selected time period.
See the report in action, HERE.
Sales Agency Admins Manufacturers Retailers
- B2B Item Details Page: We have resolved an issue where HTML tags were displayed in item descriptions.
- Item Attachments: We have resolved an issue where an error would appear when attaching a document to an item.
- Commission Quick Entry: We have resolved an error in which incorrect salesperson names sometimes appear in the "Commission Quick Entry" popup.
July 25, 2024
Quick Links
- mtView - Customer Account Trend Details
- Import "Salesperson to Pay" Values for Orders Sales Agency Admins
- mtView - Sales Analysis (New Upgrades) Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Commission Quick Edit Sales Agency Admins
- Items Export Improvement Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins
- Fixed
mtView - Customer Account Trend Details
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
As an Admin, Salesperson or Manufacturer, you want to easily identify customers that have had a significant change in purchasing behavior. To help you achieve this, the Customer Account Trend Details report is now available in mtView for all user types. This flexible report allows you to set a date range (e.g., last 90 days) and then select criteria (e.g., 30% Decrease in Order $s) to quickly identify customers that match the selected filters. Stop searching for the data and have it sent directly to your inbox!! Use mtView to configure the report settings you want, and then subscribe to have the report sent to your inbox every week, so you are always aware of customers that are trending significantly down or up.
See the Customer Account Trend Details report in action HERE. Interested in a 1:1 demo Ă book a call here.
Import "Salesperson to Pay" Values for Orders
Sales Agency Admins
As an operations manager for a sales agency, you can now provide "Salesperson to Pay" values when you import orders. Before, the salesperson you imported as the "Salesperson Assigned" would automatically get filled in on the order as the "Salesperson to Pay". Now, these values can be different whenever you need that flexibility.
To learn how to use this new feature, visit this article: How do I import salesperson values for orders?
mtView - Sales Analysis (New Upgrades)
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
The Sales Analysis report is one of the most powerful and flexible reports available in mtView. Available for Admins, Salespeople and Manufacturers, Sales Analysis gives you the power to design the reports you need to manage your business. Have a question about your sales performance that you want to answer? Odds are that you can get the answer with Sales Analysis!
With new fields and filters added, the Sales Analysis report is a MUST HAVE for all stakeholders in the MarketTime ecosystem. See Sales Analysis in action HERE. Interested in a 1:1 demo Ă book a call here.
Commission Quick Edit
Sales Agency Admins
We listened to your feedback about how the "Commission Quick Edit" tool wasn't quick enough. To make it even easier and faster to update invoices and commissions, you can now edit the "House" commission rate:
Items Export Improvement
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins
We've improved the item export process. Instead of waiting minutes for large items to export, items over 100k will now be processed in the background while you continue using the app. You'll receive an email with a download link once the process is complete, allowing you to download and preview the file at your convenience.
Sales Agency Admins
- Commission Import: We have resolved an issue where extra search buttons sometimes appear on the preview table.
Direct Orders:
- Manually Entered: We have resolved an issue where the commission rate would sometimes reset to 0% when a direct order was first entered manually.
- Imported: We have resolved an issue where direct orders were sometimes imported with the wrong order code.
- Items with Default Ship Dates set in the past will no longer split into separate orders with the old Ship Date. These will now all group into one order with an ASAP ship date.
July 11, 2024
Quick Links
- mtView - Inventory Sheet Salespeople Sales Agency Admins
- mtView - Salesperson Top Performers Sales Agency Admins
- Improved: Better Support for Canada Postal Codes Sales Agency Admins
- Fixed
- Survey
mtView - Inventory Sheet
Sales Agency AdminsSalespeople
When preparing for an appointment with a customer, detailed information about their past purchase history is helpful. To help salespeople easily access that key information and have a reference sheet that can be printed and utilized in an in-person meeting, mtView Advanced Analytics for Admins and Salespeople now includes the Inventory Sheet report!
To use this feature:
- Choose if you want to run the report based on a customer Bill To or Ship To
- Select a customer
The report will show every item that the customer has purchased in the selected date range, with valuable information including:
- An image of the item
- Last order date
- Last order quantity
- Total # sold
The report can be further filtered by Manufacturer and Item (Product) Line for an even more targeted report. View directly in your MarketTime system or export to PDF; the report includes columns for Quantity on Hand and Suggested Order Qty that can be filled in with a customer during an appointment.
See a quick video of the Inventory Report in action here!
This report nicely complements the Customer Quick Report and Item History features available in the MarketTime Web Portal, giving you a 360° view of the customer’s activity before an appointment and while writing an order.
Want to learn more about how mtView can bring your data to life and help you grow your sales? Request a 1:1 demo here.
mtView - Salesperson Top Performers
Sales Agency Admins
As an agency owner, principal, or administrator, you want to support the success of your sales rep however you can. Data plays a key role in that effort, and you want to know how your sales reps are performing, so you can provide feedback and coaching.
To help in this effort, The Salesperson Top Performers report is now available in mtView. This report provides insight into how your reps perform, relative to their peers, for each manufacturer you represent.
See a quick video of the Salesperson Top Performers report in action here!
Better Support for Canada Postal Codes
Sales Agency Admins
As an operations manager for a sales agency that works with clients in Canada, if you use the "Salesperson-Manufacturer Division" setting for customer assignments, the system wasn't always assigning a salesperson before today.
To mitigate this issue, we have updated our system to automatically assign the proper in-territory salesperson(s) when you add new customers in Canada or update the postal code on their billing or shipping zip codes.
This update applies to Canadian customers who are added or edited using the MarketTime web portal and sign up or edit their address information from your B2B e-commerce website.
When adding new Canadian customers, you'll see salespeople are now automatically assigned:
Customer assignments will also show the in-territory and any hard-coded (out-of-territory) salespeople:
Sales Agency Admins
- Pricing Policy Requests: We have resolved an issue where an error would appear when clicking on a pricing policy request.
- Commissions Export: We have resolved an error that prevented you from exporting a commissions list if it contained more than 65K invoices.
- Salesperson Groups: We have resolved an issue where adding notes to a salesperson would clear out the value for their "Salesperson Group" on their details page.
- RepGroup Retailer Manufacturer: We have resolved an issue where payment terms were sometimes not saved when editing a customer's RepGroup Retailer Manufacturer record.
Can you spare 45 seconds? We're conducting a brief survey to learn your thoughts about order visibility for salespeople. Take the 45-second Survey →
July 3, 2024
Quick Links
- Improved: Salesperson to Pay on Orders Sales Agency Admins
- Fixed
Salesperson to Pay on Orders
Sales Agency Admins
When manually creating invoices for orders, invoices default to the "Salesperson to Pay" listed on the order. With the latest update, if you change the "Salesperson to Pay" from the "Invoice Quick Entry" popup, you will be able to update the "Salesperson to Pay" on the order. You won't have to leave the invoice entry screen to edit the "Salesperson to Pay" on the order.
The new option looks like this:
Sales Agency Admins
- Salesperson Split Commission: We have resolved an issue where sometimes the salesperson commission was split automatically when the "Salesperson to Pay" = "Order Writer" and did not need to be split.
- Commission Quick Entry: We have resolved an issue where the commission check would sometimes not stay selected when manually entering commissions using the "Commission Quick Entry" popup.
Customer and Order Assignments: We have resolved an issue where accounts using the "Salesperson-Manufacturer" assignment account setting sometimes did not see the correct salesperson assignments on orders written using the MarketTime B2B Mobile app.
- For more information about order assignments on the mobile app, please visit this help article: Help! Why are my orders assigned to the wrong person?
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins
- Item Number: We have resolved an issue where Size Color Style (SCS) information was not imported for items whose item numbers were more than 50 characters long.
June 27, 2024
Quick Links
- New Sales Agency Admins
- Improved Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Coming Soon
- Fixed
Final "Pay Salespeople" Commission Process > "Skip" a Step Option
Sales Agency Admins
As a sales agency commission manager, you used to have to either email or download a commission summary and detailed statement before completing the "Pay Salespeople" process. We have now added new options to save time and eliminate unnecessary steps. You don't need to wait for an email or ZIP file anymore.
When paying salespeople, you can email, print, or download commission summary and detail reports or skip that step altogether. Here's what the new option looks like:
Print/Email Summary | Print/Email Comm Details |
"Download All" Sent by Email
Sales Agency Admins
As a commission manager for a large sales agency, when you try to download all of the detailed commission statements each month during the final pay salespeople process, sometimes there is so much data to process that the system timeouts before giving you the ZIP file.
If you choose to "Download All" detailed commission statements, the ZIP file containing the PDFs will now be sent to you by email instead of through your open browser window.
The email you'll receive will look like this:
Salesperson to Pay on Orders
Sales Agency Admins
When manually creating commissions for orders, invoices default to the "Salesperson to Pay" listed on the order. With the latest update, if you choose to change the "Salesperson to Pay" from the "Commission Quick Entry" popup, you will also be able to update the "Salesperson to Pay" on the order. This means you won't have to leave the commission entry screen to edit the "Salesperson to Pay" on the order.
The new option looks like this:
Customer > Manufacturers List
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
As a sales agency's operations manager or salesperson, viewing manufacturer account information for customers was challenging. You had to click on every item in the list to view the details, and it was difficult to know which location each record refers to in the Customer> Manufacturer list.
With today's release, it's easier to see all relevant customer-manufacturer information in the list without clicking anything.
Information Shown Before | Information Showing Now |
Commission Import Customer Search
Sales Agency Admins
As a commission manager for a sales agency, you need a more straightforward method to resolve "Customer not found for the invoice" errors when importing commission and to avoid manual invoice entry later. There is now an easier way to select the correct Customer when the system cannot automatically identify the Customer based on the information in the commission statement file.
Here's what you'll see when you create a new, direct order:
Coming Soon
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople Retailers
For a sneak peek into MarketTime's future, please visit our new help center page: Coming Soon. We are thrilled about these upcoming changes and hope you are too!
- Manufacturers on Order Forms: We have resolved an issue where salespeople could not see manufacturers on order forms if a customer had the "Assign Salespeople Based on Ship To Address" setting enabled.
- Orders for Parent Chains: We have resolved an issue where orders were not duplicated properly for parent chains.
- Digital Catalog: We have resolved an issue with salespeople's inability to search for items using digital catalogs.
- Sales Agency Admins Commission Import: We have resolved an issue where invoices were sometimes imported to canceled orders instead of open orders.
- Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Item Description: We have resolved an issue where importing items would truncate the item description to 500 instead of all 1,000 characters.
- Promotions: We have resolved an issue where promotions were not showing in the retailer's cart if the promotion ended on today's date.
- Digital Catalogs: We have resolved an issue where salespeople could not search for items using digital catalogs.
June 6, 2024
Quick Links
- New: Commission Effective Dates Sales Agency Admins
- Fixed
Commission Effective Dates
Sales Agency Admins
With our new feature, you can effortlessly set start and end dates for commission rates. This tool can be particularly useful in scenarios such as:
- You want orders written in 2023 to be paid at 2023 commission rates and orders written in 2024 to be paid at 2024 commission rates.
- You want the commission to be calculated automatically based on important dates such as a salesperson's employment start date, employment end date, and final payment date.
These new capabilities...
➡️ For more information about these features, please visit this article to learn more: Automatic Split Salesperson Commission and Commission Effective Dates.
This new feature set also allows for adding multiple date ranges:
- At the company level
- At the Salesperson level, for some or all manufacturers
And these changes take effect whenever you:
- Import invoices/commissions
- Manually add invoices/commissions
đź’ˇ If you would like to learn more about commissions in MarketTime, please consider attending an upcoming webinar: Training for Admin Users who Manage Commissions and Invoices.
- Promotions: We have resolved an issue where the "Promotions" section was not displayed on PDF and print copies of orders.
- Order Writer: We have resolved an issue where the "Order Writer" field was blank on orders written using the MarketTime B2B mobile application.
- Item Import: We have resolved an issue where importing items with "Unit of Meatusre" did not set the proper value.
- Split Commission: We have resolved an issue where the commission wasn't calculated automatically when the order writer should receive part of the split salesperson commission.
- Commission Import: We have resolved an error that caused the commission import to show an error when importing very large commission statements.
- Commission Export: We have resolved an issue where the commission export would not show you a message if the export could not be completed successfully.
- Other: We have resolved minor bugs or issues with the "Commission Quick Entry" pop-up.
May 30, 2024
Quick Links
- New: Show Mode for Web App Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
- Coming Soon: Commission Effective Dates Sales Agency Admins
- Fixed
- Survey Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
Show Mode for Web App
Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
As an operations manager for a sales agency, you know how crucial it is for your salespeople and order writers to efficiently write orders during shows using any device: laptop, computer, tablet, or iPad. Previously, assigning divisions, territories, and manufacturers for each person during shows was time-consuming in the MarketTime web version. But now, with our latest update, this process has been streamlined, saving you valuable time and effort.
With today's release, this new feature allows you to easily set up salespeople to write orders for all manufacturers during shows with just a few simple steps, significantly reducing the time investment required.
For detailed steps on enabling this feature, please see this help article: Desired Behavior for a Salesperson at Show > Manufacturer Visibility.
Coming Soon
Commission Effective Dates
Sales Agency Admins
Coming soon, you can set start and end dates for commission rates. This can help in situations such as:
- You want orders written in 2023 to be paid at 2023 commission rates and orders written in 2024 to be paid at 2024 commission rates.
- You want the commission to be calculated automatically based on important dates such as a salesperson's employment start date, employment end date, and final payment date.
For more information about these features, please visit this article to learn more: Automatic Split Salesperson Commission and Commission Effective Dates.
🎉 If you would like a sneak peek at this new feature before it goes live, please join our webinar next Wednesday, June 5: Training for Admin Users who Manage Commissions and Invoices. 🎉
- Item Pricing: We have resolved an issue where the item prices on the "Finalize Order" screen weren't reverting to the original price after removing a price code.
Split Commission:
- We have resolved an issue where split commission wasn't calculated automatically when editing a commission using the "Commission Quick Entry" popup window.
- We have resolved an issue where a warning message would appear on the screen anytime a salesperson had a 0% commission when using the "Commission Quick Entry" popup window to enter invoices/commissions.
- Finalize Order Screen: We have resolved various display issues on the "Finalize Order" screen.
Manufacturers Sales Agency Admins Salespeople
Your insights are invaluable to us. To ensure that MarketTime continues to meet your needs, we invite you to participate in a brief 5-minute survey: Managing Roles and Responsibilities. Your feedback plays a crucial role in shaping how you manage the roles and responsibilities of employees and staff in your MarketTime account. We look forward to hearing from you!
May 23, 2024
Quick Links
Overwrite existing Catalog when Editing Hotspots
After editing/adding hotspots to an existing catalog, the Save prompt now has an option for the user to choose to overwrite the existing catalog. Previously when editing a catalog, the edited catalog would be saved as it's own updated copy. This now allows the user to maintain one catalog regardless of the various edits made to it.
MarketTime Pro - Manage Licenses
The Manage Licenses screen for MarketTime Pro licenses will now prevent a license from being re-assigned once a given license is allocated to a user. A user for any given Rep Group (whether Salesperson user or Rep Group admin) should only be assigned a single license*. This is all in an effort to improve the experience with syncs, as having a user assigned to multiple licenses has led to unexpected behaviors either with the sync itself or with the MarketTime Pro application after the sync has completed.
*Note: A user that may exist within multiple Rep Groups can still be assigned a MarketTime Pro license within each Rep Group.
The license below is assigned does not allow the user to be re-assigned when editing the license.
Other improvements to the Manage Licenses screen are:
- The user can now reset the Device ID that is associated with a license. The Device ID is the unique iPad that the license is installed on. If a user has purchased a new iPad and is getting MarketTime Pro installed, the Device ID would need to be reset for that install to succeed.
- Licenses that are no longer needed or are assigned to users that are no longer active can be Deactivated.
- Note that if more licenses are needed to replace the deactivated licenses, the + Request Licenses button in the top right may be used to request the additional licenses, at which point a MarketTime staff member may approve the requested license(s).
MarketTime Apps and B2B Print Preview Improvement
We have improved the process of downloading large orders with item images. Instead of waiting minutes for your large order to download, orders with over 500 items will now be processed in the background while you continue using the app. You will receive an email with a link to download your PDF order copy with item images once the process is complete. You can then print and preview the order copy at your convenience.
- Fixed a random webpage error that would occur for Manufacturer users when a user would attempt to open the Company Info page.
May 16, 2024
Quick Links
MarketTime Research Group
Do you want to shape the future of MarketTime? If so, please consider joining the MarketTime Research Group! When you join, you will have a direct line to members of the Product Team. You'll help us discover how to make MarketTime work even better for you. You'll be invited to interviews, usability studies, surveys, and more.
These sessions are no pressure and require minimal time commitment. If you're interested, please tell us a little about yourself by filling out this quick questionnaire: MarketTime Research Group. We look forward to learning from you!
Split Commission
As a commission manager for a sales agency, we have enhanced the visibility of split commissions on the "Commission Quick Entry" popup. This improvement makes it easier to see when the commission is divided between two or more salespeople.
Commission Import
As a commission manager for a sales agency, it's important to be able to easily identify the customer associated with a PO number when linking imported invoices to existing PO numbers in the system. Relying on short-term memory or constantly referencing an Excel file on a separate monitor is inefficient and time-consuming, especially when dealing with large statements containing numerous invoices.
When you upload a commission statement and use the "Search PO Number" tool, you will now see the customer name from your file in the search to make it easier to pick the right match. Like this:
- Pricelist PDFs: We have resolved an issue where item Pricelist PDFs sometimes fail to open.
- Showcases: We have resolved an issue where only the first page of item Showcases appeared.
- Import: We have resolved an issue where missing shipping location information in the database would prevent importing commissions.
- Commission Quick Entry: We have resolved an issue where an error message sometimes appears when trying to pay commissions to active salespeople.
- Commission Statement: We have resolved an issue where the "Pay Period" displayed the incorrect year when commission statements were run on the last day of the year.
- Pay Salespeople: We have resolved an issue where downloading all commission statements would sometimes time out when using the final Pay Salespeople process.
- Manufacturer-Customer Account Numbers: We have resolved an issue where the wrong billing address was displayed for different customers.
- Catalogs
April 25, 2024
Quick Links
Document Import Process Improvement
We have increased the file limit for imported documents from 800 MB to 1.5 GB, allowing larger catalog files to be imported into MT.
How it Works
We have also improved the document import process. Instead of waiting for your file to be imported, you will see a notification that an email will be sent to you once your file is imported. You are free to navigate to other pages within the application without having to stay on the import page. This means you can carry on with your tasks while we handle the file import in the background and notify you once the process is complete.
Improvements to Item Import
When importing items through the MarketTime web app, items that did not contain a Retail Price value or a Qty Available value were being imported with values of 0 ($0 for Retail Price and 0 for Qty Available). This has been improved to leave these fields empty upon import, rather than setting both of these values to 0. This would be on display in MarketTime Pro where these items would show with an Out of Stock banner even though the items were imported without a Qty Available.
The Item Import has also been adjusted to only update the Retail Price or Qty Available values if provided on the import file. For example, if you are importing a file containing the Qty Available column but no data in the column itself, when the items are imported the Qty Available values in MarketTime will remain for those items and will not be wiped as a result of importing the file with no values provided.
April 18, 2024
Quick Links
Automatic Split Salesperson Commission
Sales Agency Admins, we have some exciting news to share with you! We're delighted to announce that we have recently introduced new features to our system that will make your life easier when splitting commissions between the house, salesperson, and order writer. This feature will allow you to set up commission rates for the salesperson and the order writer and our system will split commissions for hundreds or thousands of invoices on your behalf.
For more information, how-to steps, screenshots, and FAQs, please visit this article to learn more: Automatic Split Salesperson Commission.
We hope that this feature will be helpful to you and your team, and we're looking forward to hearing your feedback on it.
Coming Soon: Commission Effective Dates
As a sales agency admin, you will soon be able to set commission rate start and end dates. This will allow you to control when your salespeople's commission rates are in effect.
If you'd like to learn more about these upcoming features, visit this page: Coming Soon: Commission Effective Dates.
Commission Quick Entry
As a sales agency commission manager, you understand the importance of entering invoices and commissions quickly and efficiently without having to search for information from other areas of MarketTime. To help streamline this process, we have made several enhancements to the "Commission Quick Entry" screen. These improvements will enable you to enter transactions with minimal clicks, saving time and increasing productivity.
- Redesigned Upper Section
- On-Screen Internal Order Notes
- Improved Tab Order
- Split Salesperson Commission Visibility
Redesigned Upper Section
We've brought the most important order-related information to the top of the screen for easy access.
On-Screen Internal Order Notes
If an order contains important notes, you can view them on-screen when entering invoices or commissions.
Improved Tab Order
To enhance your experience while filling out the form, we have optimized the tab order flow of the main fields to allow for easier navigation using the "Tab" and "Enter" keys on your keyboard when moving from top to bottom and left to right.
Split Salesperson Commission Visibility
To make it easier to see when commission is split between the house and up to three salespeople, the commission rates and amounts fields will always be fully visible to show who is getting paid and how much.
For more information, how-to steps, screenshots, and FAQs, please visit this article to learn more: Automatic Split Salesperson Commission.
Pre-Populated Catalog Fields
When editing an existing published catalog and saving/publishing the new version, the system will now pre-populate the Catalog Name based on the original catalog's name. The system will also pre-populate a thumbnail for the catalog using the first page of the PDF.
The catalog name can be edited before saving the new, updated catalog or can always be edited after saving.
- B2B E-Commerce Website Usernames: We fixed a problem that prevented the creation of new retailer accounts on B2B e-commerce websites when the new username had the same letters as an existing username but with different capitalization. This means that if the username "jane123" was already in the system, retailers could not sign up for a new account using the username "JANE123" due to the case sensitivity issue. However, we have resolved this issue now.
"Order Writer" On Orders:
- We have resolved an issue where the "Order Writer" field on orders would sometimes be blank.
- We have also resolved an issue where the "Order Writer" field on Summary Orders showed a different salesperson's name than the salesperson who actually wrote the order.
April 11, 2024
Quick Links
User Permissions in MarketTime Pro
When a Rep Group user or Salesperson is configured with default permissions in the MarketTime web app (, these permissions will now correctly flow into the MarketTime Pro iOS app. There were some inconsistencies between how the Permissions were saved, so adding new users or Salespeople now correctly saves the default Permissions.
To view additional mtPro release notes, visit this article: Release Notes: MarketTime Pro.
Prevent Sales Orders from being Transmitted if a Credit Card is missing
The Transmit Orders screen will prevent a Sales Order from being eligible to be Transmitted to the Manufacturer if the payment term applied to the order requires a Credit Card, and no Credit Card is applied to the Sales Order.
B2B E-Commerce: Parent and Child Item "Add To Cart" Capabilities
Before today's release, retailers who visited your B2B e-commerce website faced a frustrating issue while trying to add similar (child) items to their cart. They could not add items to their cart, even if they increased the quantity of child items on the page, because the "Add to Cart" button was unavailable. This problem caused inconvenience to the retailers and made their shopping experience unpleasant.
However, as of today's release, we have improved the retailer's shopping experience when you use linked items to show parent and child items on a parent item details page.
How do I know if this affects my B2B site?
To check and see if this improvement will impact your B2B E-Commerce site, follow these steps:
- Login to your MarketTime account at
- Navigate to Settings > B2B E-commerce
- Click Settings
- Look for the Allow Parent Item Shopping setting
- If this is ON (the toggle is blue), then this improvement does not affect you (retailers can already buy parent and child items from the parent item details page). You're good to go!
- If this is OFF (the toggle is gray), your parent item details page will benefit from this retailer's shipping experience improvement. High five!
How does this improve the retailer's shopping experience?
For the retailer, what this improvement does is this:
- When the retailer is on the parent item details page
- And they increase the quantity of similar (child) items
- They can then click Add to Cart to add these child items to their shopping cart
Prior to the release, retailers had to navigate away from the main item details page and access the child item page to purchase items. This resulted in more clicks and increased the likelihood of the retailer abandoning the site before completing their order.
What are similar items, and how do I add them to a parent item?
To view linked or similar items, follow these steps:
- B2B Item Details Page: We have resolved an issue where the "View" button for child items was not visible on the screen without scrolling to the right.
- Customers: We resolved an issue where the Customers page would sometimes fail to load when viewing by "Bill To".
- Barcodes: We resolved an issue where selecting items to Print Barcodes would cause the previous page's selections to be lost. Now, when selecting items in Browse and navigating between pages, the selections will be retained, allowing the items to have their Barcodes printed.
- Promotions: We resolved an issue where a promotion for one Manufacturer was being applied to an order for a different Manufacturer.
April 4, 2024
Quick Links
OS Version/App Version added to Manage Licenses screen
The "Manage Licenses" screen for MarketTime Pro will now show the user's iPadOS and MarketTime Pro Application Version*. This is a great way to stay on top of the users and ensure they keep their app and iPad up-to-date.
*The App Version may currently show as an old version, and the OS Version may appear empty. These values will update once the next MarketTime Pro version is released.
Retailer Ship To-specific Manufacturer Information is moved to Primary Ship To when Deleted
Previously, when a non-primary Ship To location was deleted, any Manufacturer-specific records associated with it were also deleted. However, the system has now been updated to retain any of the Manufacturer-specific records and will change the Ship To that the information is associated with. The system will still delete the Manufacturer information for the deleted Ship To if the primary Ship To location already has Manufacturer information for the given Manufacturer.
Split By/Override Available Date Settings
The Split By Available Date and Override Available Date settings have been adjusted to prevent a user from disabling both of these settings. If both settings are disabled, Override Available Date will be selected by default. This would create an inconsistent experience between the MarketTime web apps and the MarketTime Pro app and a poor experience in MarketTime Pro.
"Order Writer" Permissions
As the main admin for a sales agency, you may want to limit which admin users in your account can change the order writer on orders. With today's release, you can now control who can change order writers on orders. To learn more about this feature, please visit our help article: User Access Permissions for Sales Agencies ("Main Admin" Feature) > Edit Order Writer.
- B2B Request to Shop: Retailers added to the system via the B2B Request to Shop will now correctly be set to Active, where MarketTime Pro will show the customers.
- Commission Import: We have resolved an issue where the original order total was overwritten when importing commissions.
March 28, 2024
Quick Links
Assign Salespeople Based On Ship To Address
Many sales agencies typically assign sales representatives to customer accounts based on the customer's billing location. However, in certain cases, assigning a sales representative based on the customer's shipping zip code may be more appropriate. To provide greater flexibility in assigning salespeople to special customer accounts, we have introduced a new option that enables you to choose how sales reps are assigned based on the customer's location.
Before You Start
Please note that the following feature only applies to sales agency accounts that have set their "Default Assign By" setting to "Bill To." If your account uses the "Ship To" setting, this feature will not apply, as customers are already being assigned salespeople based on the zip code of each shipping location.
How do I know what setting my account uses?
Good question! To see which setting your account uses, follow these steps:
- Login to your account at
- Click on your name in the upper right corner of the header
- Click Company Info
- Look at the Default Salesperson Assignment By field
- If this field says BillTo, then you can use this new feature
How does this new feature work?
To see this new feature in action, follow these steps:
- Navigate to a customer that should have salespeople assigned based on shipping location
- Click Assignments
- Click Ship To to show all shipping locations
- Check the box for Assign Salespeople Based on Ship To Address
- On the popup that appears:
- Click No: If you do not want to change or override any of the assignments on each shipping location
- Click Yes: If you want to automatically update and assign salespeople to each shipping location based on the division and territory settings you have set in your account
- Note: Any hard codes or OOT (Out of Territory) assignments will be retained and not be overwritten with the in-territory salespeople
- If you click Yes, you will see the list of assigned salespeople changes in the Salesperson column for each shipping location, like this:
- To change the assignments back to being based on the "Bill To" location, simply uncheck the Assign Salespeople Based on Ship To Address checkbox and click Confirm
Sales Agencies
Commission Import:
- Sort By "Order Date": We have resolved an issue where the sort by "Order Date" was not sorting invoices correctly on the commission import "Preview Table" step.
- Account Numbers: We have resolved an issue where commission statements couldn't be uploaded when the file contained the "Account Number" column.
- Customer Transfer Tool: We have resolved an issue where the number of customers on the customer transfer tool popup shows the incorrect amount.
March 21, 2024
Quick Links
Catalog Improvements
Assign Multiple Products to a Single Hotspot
MarketTime users that upload and hotspot catalogs can now assign multiple products to a single hotspot. As products are selected, the button to save the selected products will report how many products are selected. This is handy for products with multiple sizes or testers that can also be ordered. Now, everything can be accessed with the same click.
Ordering From a Hotspot With Multiple Products Linked
Now that a hotspot within a digital catalog can have more than one assigned product, the MarketTime web app and B2B now support ordering from these hotspots.
MarketTime Web App
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Improvement
Catalogs containing Product Numbers that are closely placed next to another text block were not recognized when the OCR would run. The OCR will now check portions of a complete body of text to identify a Product Number and place a tag.
Order Writers on Orders
As an operations manager for a sales agency, it can be challenging to keep accurate records of who wrote an order when salespeople use different devices or logins to write orders. Sometimes, the original order writer's value needs to be changed. For instance, when an order says that "Christina" wrote it and it was written by "Jane" on Christina's iPad or laptop. To help you maintain accurate "Order Writer" information for visibility and automated split salesperson commissions, you can now edit the "Order Writer" value on orders.
Here are a few things to keep in mind with this new feature:
- Only users with "Admin" level permission can edit the "Order Writer" value (Salespeople cannot edit the "Order Writer" values).
- There are times when the "Order Writer" value will be blank, for example, if the order is written by a retailer on a B2B e-commerce website or if the order is imported.
- The "Order Writer" can be updated to any active or inactive salespeople currently in your account (setting this field to an admin user, retailer, or custom value is not yet an option).
- At all times, you will be able to see who created the order by looking at the "Created By" information.
- Any changes to the "Order Writer" will be displayed in the "Order History" log.
View Shipping Details
We are introducing a new feature that enables shipping display for every transaction, except those that are failed or refunded. MarketTime manufacturers can input shipping details in the designated fields and proceed to process, preauthorize, or send a request payment update transaction. Upon successful processing, users will see two icons if the transaction was successful, or only the eyeball icon for preauthorization or processing transactions. Clicking the eyeball icon will reveal the inputted shipping information. Alternatively, clicking the dropdown will provide access to download receipt and refund payment functionalities.
Sales Agencies
Commission Import
- Preview Table: We have resolved an issue that prevented you from proceeding to the "Preview Table" step when attempting to import a commission statement
- Search PO Number: We resolved an issue where matching PO search results were not displayed when using the "Search PO Number" search tool.
- Commission Quick Edit: We have resolved an issue where the salesperson value for a split commission was removed if the commission was edited using the "Quick Edit" feature.
- Customer Permissions: We have resolved an issue where salespeople with "Read/Write" permission to edit customers could not add new manufacturer records for customers.
March 15, 2024
Quick Links
mtCharge Transaction Receipts
MT manufacturers can now access their receipt for every successful mtCharge transaction. Simply click on the Receipt icon associated with the successful transaction, and the receipt will promptly appear in a new window. Feel free to download or print the receipt as required. You may share the receipt with relevant stakeholders to improve visibility and transparency of the transaction.
mtCharge Transaction Refunds
To process refunds for successful mtCharge transactions, simply click the Refund icon on the transaction you wish to refund. A refund pop-up will appear, allowing you to enter the refund amount and select a reason from the options provided, or input your own reason under "Other." Please note that attempting to refund more than the charged amount will result in an error. Multiple refunds can be made on a transaction as long as the total amount refunded does not exceed the charged amount.
Updating Account Numbers for Customers
MarketTime manufacturers now have the capability to add or update account numbers for each of their customers. They can opt to update the account numbers for a particular agency or for all agencies they are associated with.
How it Works
To update customer account numbers in the Manufacturer account:
- 1. Navigate to the customer menu and click on the card icon or account number next to each name.
- 2. A pop-up will appear, displaying all linked agencies.
- 3. Input the Customer Account Number and Ship Account Number, then select "Apply to All" to update these numbers for all linked agencies.
- 4. Alternatively, to update a single agency, click on the pencil icon next to the agency you wish to edit.
- 5. Input the account numbers and click "Apply to Sales Agency" to apply the changes.
Updates made by the manufacturer will also reflect in the agency's record.
March 7, 2024
Quick Links
mtView UI Improvement
We have enhanced the user interface of the mtView product, making it easier for you to access Tableau groups and their associated reports. Here's what's new:
- Advanced Analytics Tab: When you click the "Advanced Analytics" tab, you'll see all your assigned Tableau projects (groups) organized into individual folders.
- Report Navigation: Within each folder, you can view the list of reports. Simply click on each report to view its full details and analysis.
Commission Import Tool
Direct Orders
As a commission manager for a sales agency, when importing an invoice and chargeback for the same new, direct order, the import tool previously created two separate orders, one with a positive invoice and one with a negative invoice. This caused extra cleanup work because you had to find the chargeback, transfer it to the correct order, and delete the extra order. What you really wanted was one order with two invoices.
To make this process easier, we are now giving you two options for direct orders that have duplicate or matching PO numbers:
One Direct Order (With Multiple Invoices): When the commission statement contains multiple matching PO numbers and each PO number is marked as "Create Direct Order," a single order with multiple invoices will be created.
- If the commission statement contains:
- PO #1 with Invoice #1 ($100)
- PO #1 with Invoice #2 (-$50)
- After import, you will have:
- PO#1 with Invoices #1 and #2 (Order Total Amount: $50)
- If the commission statement contains:
Separate Direct Orders (One Per Invoice): When the commission statement contains multiple matching PO numbers marked as "Create Direct Order," separate direct orders will be created, each with a single invoice.
- If the commission statement contains:
- PO #1 with Invoice #1 ($100)
- PO #1 with Invoice #2 (-$50)
- After import, you will have:
- PO#1 with Invoice #1 (Order Total Amount: $100)
- PO#1 with Invoice #2 (Order Total Amount: -$50)
- If the commission statement contains:
PO Number Search
As a commission manager for a sales agency, you often see extra numbers or prefixes added to PO numbers in a commission statement. This means that using the "Search PO Number" tool takes more time since the PO Numbers in both places aren't an exact match.
To speed up and simplify this matching process, we have changed the "Search Type" to "Contains" instead of "Starts With." For example, if the PO Number in MarketTime is "1234" and the PO Number in the statement is "AB1234CD," you'll see the PO Number that contains "1234" in the search results with no additional clicks.
- Order Statuses: We have fixed an issue where users could change "Confirmed" orders to "Transmitted" without actually transmitting the order. The status was showing as "Transmitted" even though the order was never sent or transmitted. To mitigate this, when a "Confirmed" order has not been transmitted, users will now only be able to change the status to "Cancelled."
- Default Discounts: We have resolved an issue where a customer and manufacturer's "Default Order Discount" amount was not always automatically applied to orders.
- Commission Import: We have resolved an issue where orders were sometimes being imported to the wrong customer after selecting a PO number from the "Search PO Number" popup.
Coming Soon
We're introducing a new automatic split salesperson commission feature to MarketTime. Learn more in our help article: Coming Soon: Automatic Split Salesperson Commission.
February 29, 2024
Quick Links
Salesperson Customer Transfer Tool
When the need arises to transfer customers from one Salesperson to another, the Transfer Customers tool is there to help!
NOTE: This tool is typically used in tandem with the Order Transfer tool. It's important to know that the Order Transfer tool should be used before using the Transfer Customers tool, to ensure orders are reassigned properly before customers are moved. Failure to do it in the correct order will result in data inconsistencies.
How The Customer Transfer Tool Works
Your first action is to determine who should receive the customers you wish to transfer. There are two options you can make.
Option 1: Assign based on Company Logic
If your company is set to assign customers based on Division or Salesperson Territory, checking the Option 1 box will auto-select the Salesperson(s) to receive the customers based on the logic your company uses.
NOTE: If there is no Salesperson that matches the logic your company uses to assign, no customers will be selected to transfer.
Option 2: Assign based on Manual Selection
If you wish to manually specify the Salesperson to transfer select customers to, using the Option 2 field to do so.
Once you've selected the Salesperson to receive the selected customers, the count of customers will appear at the bottom of the window.
This count will continue to update as you refine your criteria for selection.
You may export the customers that will be effected by the transfer at any time by using the Export customers to be transferred button. This action is recommended.
Select Specific Customer and/or Zip Codes
If you wish to further refine the selection of customers to transfer , use the corresponding Customers and/or Zip Code buttons and select the desired records.
You can filter customers by the Bill to or Ship locations to depending on your assignment logic.
You can also filter territories and the zip codes by the Bill to or Ship locations to depending on your assignment logic.
Performing the Transfer
When you are finished with the selection and have reviewed the customers to be transferred, click the Transfer button to proceed.
NOTE: This action can not be undone. Be sure you've reviewed the selections made and the customers to be transferred.
Video Overview
Edit Default Payment Terms Permission
We have introduced a new permission called "Edit Default Payment Term". The primary administrator of an agency within MarketTime can now determine who has the ability to modify the default payment term set for a manufacturer and customer.
By default, this permission will be set to "Read/Write", granting all users the ability to edit a default payment term. However, the primary administrator has the option to assign the "ReadOnly" permission to a user, restricting their ability to edit default payment terms on the Repgroup Retailer Manufacturer page and within orders.
How it Works
By default, all users are designated the Read/Write edit default payment terms permission.
The main admin can designate the ReadOnly permission to a user.
- Fixed an issue where changing the Retailer status on one screen was not reflected on the other.
- Fixed an issue where new/updated Categories were not getting pulled by MarketTime Pro
February 22, 2024
Quick Links
Commission Import
As a commission manager for a sales agency, when you try to import commission statements, if there are duplicate PO numbers already in the system, it used to be challenging to know the status of each PO because the screen didn't show the order status. A canceled order looked the same as a shipped order. To help with this, we have improved the current "Search PO Number" list to give you enough information in the popup so you can always choose the correct PO.
Here's an example of what this looks like:
We have updated the "Edit Customers" permission setting in the MarketTime web app to allow Salespeople to add manufacturer billing and shipping account numbers to customers. If a Salesperson's permission setting is "Read/Write" for Customers > Edit Customers, when that salesperson navigates to a customer and clicks on the "Manufacturers" tab, they can add new records and update existing records, like this:
Salesperson Transfer Orders Tool
When the need arises to transfer orders (and the associated Salesperson Assigned person on each order), the Transfer Orders feature will help!
This often happens when you're replacing a Salesperson, need to provide visibility of orders to a new Salesperson, or have assigned a new Territory to a Salesperson and need them to also see their new customer's orders.
This does not change the Salesperson to Pay or Commission-related data on the orders to be transferred.
How to Use the Transfer Orders Tool
1. This feature is found within each Salesperson by navigating to Salespeople > Edit the desired Salesperson, on the Orders tab:
2. Your first action is to determine who should receive the orders you wish to transfer. There are two options you can make.
Option 1: Assign based on Company Logic
If your company is set to assign orders based on Division, checking the Option 1 box will auto-select the Salesperson(s) to receive the orders based on the logic your company uses.
NOTE: If there is no Salesperson that matches the logic your company uses to assign, no orders will be selected to transfer.
Option 2: Assign based on Manual Selection
If you wish to manually specify the Salesperson to transfer select orders to, using the Option 2 field to do so.
3. The next step is to select the criteria for the orders you want to transfer
Select Timeframe
You must select a timeframe for the orders to be moved. This is done based on Order Date, and cannot exceed 36 months from the current date.
Once you've selected your desired date range, the count of orders will appear at the bottom of the window.
This count will continue to update as you refine your criteria for selection.
You may export the orders that will be effected by the transfer at any time by using the Export orders to be transferred button. This is recommended.
Select Specific Customer, Manufacturer, and/or Zip Codes
If you wish to further refine the selection, use the corresponding Customers, Manufacturers and/or Zip Code buttons and select the desired records.
NOTE: Using the Zip Codes option will allow you to choose zip codes based on Salespeople Territories you already have defined, or select a custom list of Zip Codes using the Master List option in the resulting window.
Performing the Transfer
When you are finished with the selection and have reviewed the orders to be transferred, click the Transfer button to proceed.
NOTE: This action can not be undone. Be sure you've reviewed the selections made and the orders to be changed by downloading the export file.
Transmit Orders
When using the Transmit Orders screen to transmit orders, orders from MarketTime Pro that may be missing required fields, such as Payment Term or Shipping Method, will now be blocked from selecting to transmit. There is also a hover-over that will display the missing information on the orders.
MarketTime Web App (
For Sales Agencies
- We have resolved an issue where manufacturer promotions were being saved to orders for different manufacturers.
- We have resolved an issue where two promotions would be applied to an order after deleting special instruction notes.
- Salesperson to Pay: We have resolved an issue where salesperson names would sometimes display incorrectly on orders in the "Salesperson to Pay" field.
- B2B E-Commerce Retail Approvals: We have resolved an issue where approving a B2B E-Commerce retail customer would fail when assigning an out-of-territory salesperson to that customer's account.
- Check Log: We have resolved an issue where checks were not saving after adding a description.
- Unassigned Orders: We have resolved an issue where salesperson assignments were displaying incorrectly for unassigned orders.
For Manufacturers
- Customer Account Numbers: We have resolved an issue where sometimes customer account numbers and shipping account numbers could not be saved for customers.
February 1, 2024
Quick Links
Order Writer
We have added an "Order Writer" column to each list of orders in the MarketTime web application. This means that whether you're a sales agency, salesperson, or manufacturer, you'll be able to see who wrote an order without having to click into the order to see this information.
Unassigned Orders
As an operations manager for a sales agency, when you used the “Unassigned Orders” screen to assign orders, the screen didn't have enough information to help you choose the right salesperson. To help with this process, we have now added more details to the “Unassigned Orders” page so you can select the right salesperson without leaving the page.
The new elements on the page include:
Assignments: This new column shows all salespeople assigned to the shipping location on the order.
Order Writer: This new column shows who wrote the order.
Commission Import
Customer Name
As a commission manager for a sales agency, when you try to import commissions, the system attempts to automatically match invoices in your file to pre-existing orders and customers already in the system. If your file has an invoice for PO #1 for customer "ACME Co." and MarketTime has a PO #1 already saved under customer "ABC Ltd," the importer will automatically match the new invoice PO #1 for customer "ABC Ltd."
To help with this, we have made improvements to the commission import tool that will make it easier to:
- See the customer name that's already in MarketTime (so you can decide if the system is matching the right customer or not)
- See the customer name in your file (to be able to do a side-by-side comparison of the two)
- Then, you can decide if you want to use what the system matched automatically or make a new Direct Order instead
Here's what this looks like:
Order Writer
As a commission manager for a sales agency, when you import commission statements and plan to pay commission to the order writer, you'll now be able to see this information during the import preview to get a better idea of which invoices will have split commission and which won’t.
Commission Export
As a commission manager for a sales agency, we've added more information to the commission export so that when you want to audit every commission to ensure it’s assigned to the right salesperson and associated with the correct order before paying the commission, you'll have all the data you need.
In addition to the existing columns, the information we've added includes:
- Bill To Customer ID
- Bill To Customer City
- Bill To Customer State
- Bill To Customer Country
- Order Ship To Customer City
- Order Ship To Customer State
- Order Ship To Customer Country
- Sales Agency Status
- Manufacturer Status
How do I export this report?
To access this export, follow the steps outlined in this help article: How do I export this report?
New Salespeople
As an operations manager for a sales agency, you want to assign salespeople to all divisions and territories when adding new salespeople. To make setting up a salesperson with fewer screens and clicks easier, you can now add salespeople to divisions and territories when you first add them to MarketTime.
MarketTime Web App (
- Direct and Summary Orders: We have revised the wording on the Settings > Order Settings page to clarify how the settings on this page impact when manufacturers can view Summary and Direct Orders in their MarketTime accounts.
Salesperson Assignments:
On Orders:
- For sales agencies using the "Salesperson Assign By" setting of "Salesperson-Manufacturer Division," we have resolved an issue where summary orders written for the same manufacturer and customer were sometimes assigned to different salespeople than line item orders.
- We have resolved an issue where orders could become unassigned after editing the shipping location on an order.
On Customers:
- For sales agencies using the "Retailer Assign by" setting of "Bill To":
- We have resolved an issue where new or updated shipping locations were not automatically inheriting the salespeople assigned to the billing location. This would result in some shipping locations being assigned and some unassigned for the same customer.
- We have also resolved an issue where new and updated shipping locations added via B2B e-commerce websites did not inherit all salesperson assignments on the account.
- For sales agencies using the "Retailer Assign by" setting of "Ship To":
- We have resolved an issue where out-of-territory (OOT) salesperson assignments were removed when a customer's shipping locations were edited.
- For sales agencies using the "Salesperson Assign By" setting of "Salesperson-Manufacturer Division, " we have resolved an issue where hardcoded salespeople were removed from a customer after editing the shipping location.
- For sales agencies using the "Retailer Assign by" setting of "Bill To":
On Orders:
Manufacturer Logos:
- We have resolved an issue where manufacturer logos could not be edited after the initial upload.
- We have also resolved an issue where manufacturer logos would disappear when looking at the manufacturer using a sales agency account.
Line Item Order Forms:
- We have resolved an issue where manufacturer items sometimes did not show up on online item order forms after filtering the list of items by manufacturer.
- We have also resolved an issue where the item "Description" was displayed instead of the item "Name" when orders were automatically split by product line.
B2B Customers:
- We have resolved an issue where an infinite loader would appear when attempting to approve new B2B customer requests and assign salespeople to that new customer.
- We have also resolved an issue where editing a customer would cause the link to log in to their new B2B account to stop working.
- Salespeople: We have resolved an issue where editing a salesperson would cause the link inviting them to log in to their MarketTime account to stop working.
- Split Commission: We have resolved an issue where the salesperson search was not returning search results when adding a split commission to an invoice.
- We have resolved an issue where the screen would not allow you to scroll to the bottom of the page when emailing commission statements to salespeople.
- We have also resolved an issue where invoices tied to balanced checks could be edited or deleted from the Invoices page.
Direct Orders:
- We have resolved an issue where the duplicate PO number warning message was not shown if the PO number contained the "#" symbol.
- We have resolved an issue where the direct order screen was sometimes not showing the outstanding amount.
- For sales agencies using the "Salesperson Assign By" setting of "Salesperson-Manufacturer Division," we have resolved an issue where imported direct orders were not always assigned to the correct salesperson.
MarketTime Pro iPad App (Get it on the App Store)
- Order Statuses: We have resolved an issue where orders with a status of "Transmitted" were sometimes being reverted back to "Open" if the divide (iPad) running the app went offline and lost wifi or cellular data coverage.
January 4, 2024
Quick Links
Import Product Lines
As an operations manager for a sales agency or manufacturer, when you import items, you can now include a column in the file to specify a "Product Line" value for each item.
Here are a few things to keep in mind before you import product lines:
- Add the Product Line Before Importing: It's important to ensure that all product lines are already in MarketTime before attempting to import product lines
- If the product line is not already present in MarketTime before importing product lines, you'll receive the following error in the item import error report: "The Product Line value in the item import file does not exist for this manufacturer. Please check the Product Line name spelling (it must match exactly the value already in the system) or add the product line to this manufacturer before trying to import the item again."
- For more information about adding and managing product lines, please check out these help articles:
- Manufacturers: Creating and Managing Product Lines for your Products
- Sales Agencies: Creating and Managing Product Lines
Direct Orders
- We have resolved an issue where pre-existing direct orders were replaced if a new direct order with the same PO number, manufacturer, and customer was added to the system.
- We have resolved an issue where salesperson-specific commission rates were not updated with the correct value after changing the order code on the direct order.
- Divisions: We have resolved an issue where the "Divisions" page would show an infinite loader after deleting a division.
- Item Discounts: We have resolved an issue where stored item discounts were sometimes not applied to orders properly.
- Check Log: We have resolved an issue where the same check appeared on multiple check log pages.
- Customer Name: We have resolved an issue where the wrong customer name was sometimes displaying for a retailer, if that retailer was connected with multiple sales agencies in MarketTime.
- Item Images: We have resolved an issue where item images were being cleared out if using the "Replace Items" option when importing items.