Importing Invoices
Before invoices can be imported into your Reward system they must be matched against and order or be marked as a direct invoice. This will guide you through the process of matching invoices to sales orders.
For more information on how to create Direct Invoices within InvoiceXChange click here.
Invoice Import Verify Page Layout
The left side of the screen displays the information that is on the invoice file from your vendor. The right side of the screen displays possible orders to match against the current invoice being displayed. Any matching data between the invoice file and your system will display in green to make it easier to determine if the information matches.
If you determine the current order matches against the invoice displayed then hit either F9 or click on the Match Invoice to Sales Order button. The vendor invoice number will display in green if it has been matched against an order.
Invoice Import Verify Navigation Buttons
You will use the navigation buttons to work through your invoice batch to match invoices against orders or direct invoices against a customer in your system.