Do you need to make sure your products are (or aren't) available on Reach? This article will help you understand how to use the Master Allow Web Sales and Master Web Ready settings.
Go to and login to your OPAdmin account.
Click the Taxonomy menu then Merchandising
The Merchandising editor in OPadmin will be the best place to find and modify product details. Only product that has already been uploaded by Brandwise Content Specialists will display on this page. To begin, select the vendor from the dropdown and click Search at the bottom of the page.
Begin your search by selecting the Industry, Version and Vendor. If you want to find a specific item, you can use the “Name Starts With” or “SKU Starts With” searches. You can also find a series of SKUs by using the “Multiple SKUs” search. You can copy and paste a series of SKUs, ensuring only one item is entered per line. When you have all SKUs that you will search for, click “Search” at the bottom of the screen to find each.
Once you’ve found the items, update individual items or use the mass update feature. Product results will show you the Web Name, Product Name, Vendor and SKU. You can edit the Web Name, Display Start and End dates, and enable/disable Web Sales by checking/unchecking both Master Allow Web Sales and Master Web Ready. When your changes have been made, click the update button below the Web Name to publish those changes to Reach.
You can also update several items at once by selecting “View Mass Update.”To make a new product file ready for the web, check “Web Sale”, “Web Ready” and set your start date to today. You can then apply that update in one of three ways. “Apply to Page” applies the changes to each of the ten items on the current page. “Apply to Selected on Page” will allow you to apply the update selectively by checking the box marked“select” on each item to be updated. Finally, if you ran your search with a supplier, you will be able to apply updates to all pages, updating an vendor line at once. Make sure you wait until there is a number at the top of the page before moving on to the next vendor, this will let you know how many products were updated
You can also disable a product from the Reach site by checking to apply the Web Sale and Web Ready and setting the values to “No”.
If it errors out (which usually only happens for vendors with 60,000+ products) please contact customer support by calling 303-788-9970, option 1 or by emailing