In addition to Line Item orders, MarketTime offers the ability to write orders with just a total, for quicker entry or record keeping.
What you'll learn
- How to create a Summary Order in MarketTime
To begin writing an order, use the New Order option found under Orders in the navigation menu.
Select a Customer
Select a customer to begin writing an order.
You can toggle between searching for Ship To or Bill To information using the toggle next to the Search field:
When searching by Bill To information, clicking on a customer will allow you to see it's additional Ship To locations to choose from :
The Search feature is similar throughout the site, and the Advanced option can be used to search with more accuracy if needed.
Once you've selected your desired customer, click the Summary Order button to begin the process.
Enter Order Details
From here, you will select the basic details of your order.
If a customer has default Payment/Ship Via terms for the Manufacturer you chose, they will be automatically filled out. The only 4 fields required to save a Summary Order are Manufacturer, Order Code, PO Number, and Order Total. The rest either auto-completes (such as Order/Ship date).
The Order Status field will allow you to mark this order as Transmitted to show that the Manufacturer already has the order. This is usually done in the case of Direct orders, where you just need record of the order's total in your system.
Pressing TAB on your keyboard allows you to navigate from field-to-field during this process.
Save and Finish Order
Once you've completed your order, click the Save button to save it. It will then create the Summary Order, and add it below, allowing you to create multiple Summary Orders for a customer.
When finished with your session, click the Finish button, to save the Summary Orders you've created.