If you are a retailer that has shopped on the old version of the Brandwise marketplace (also known as Reach), you may have questions about the new version of the Brandwise marketplace!
Q: What happened to my previous account that I was already using with my agencies?
A: We have migrated that account over to the new platform. Just sign in with your regular credentials and it will have you change your password to sign in.
Q: How do I register an account with a new agency?
A: If you have already registered an account with a Brandwise hosted agency, you can sign into Brandwise Passport from the agency in question with your previous credentials. If you have not registered before, you can register a new account from the Brandwise Passport login screen located on the agency’s website you are trying to shop on. Tutorial: How to Create Your Brandwise Retailer Passport
Q: Where do I input my TaxID/ResaleID to register my account?
A: The TaxID/ResaleID is no longer used to register an account for an agency. However, Tax ID or ResaleID is an extra, non-required, value you can enter into your Retailer Business.
Q: How does another user from my store connect to my already created store account?
A: The new user will navigate to the agency website’s login page, which is now the Brandwise Passport login. From there they will register a Brandwise Passport. The next step in the process is to connect their Brandwise Passport to the Business that they work for. Enter the Retailer information and we will search the Brandwise Ecosystem. Select the matching business and we will send a request to connect to the Retailer as a Team Member. An email notification is sent to the Team Admin of the Retailer saying a new user is requesting access. Permission can be granted by clicking the link within the email to log in to their Brandwise Passport and accept the new connection request.
Q: How do I shop on the site?
A: Take a look at this video on how to shop a 2.0 marketplace powered by Brandwise: