See all Reach orders that need action taken on them every time you log in to Brandwise on your PC!
When your retailers submit web orders online, they are delivered to your Play system as HFC orders. You must then confirm the orders and send them to the vendor as you normally would.
Did you know you can customize the Welcome screen in Play for PC? Specifically, you can add a Web Orders query (pre-defined search) so that all web orders placed online that require action on your part are displayed in one place! Web orders that need action taken on them could be HFC orders or Confirmed orders that haven't yet been sent to the vendor.
To add the Web Orders query to your Welcome screen, open Play for PC and click the Edit Home link in the top-right corner to remove or add different queries:
First, highlight the Web Orders query and then click the right arrow next to any of the Grids (- >) to move the query to the right side. Finally, click Close:
Click the query you want to view. Note that the Sent to Supplier column will indicate if an order has successfully been sent to the vendor:
Double-click on an order to open it, and then Confirm and/or send it to the supplier.