Editing Manufacturers gives you the ability to keep their information as up-to-date as you see fit for those within your company.
What you'll learn
- How to navigate the Manufacturer screen
- How to edit various pieces of information about a Manufacturer
Manufacturers can be viewed/edited using the corresponding buttons next to each Manufacturer on the Manufacturers screen.
Whether or not a Manufacturer has an account in MarketTime and is managing their own data will determine if the icon appears as a "pencil" (Edit) or an "eyeball" (View). Manufacturers with the eyeball icon may only be edited in certain places.
Video Overview
Viewing a Manufacturer
When editing Manufacturers that are managed by the Manufacturer, information able to be edited is limited (such as address information and info found under the Settings/Advanced tabs).
You can still edit the Manufacturer Name and Abbreviation.
When managing Manufacturers yourself, you will have the ability to edit all information as needed.
A logo can be uploaded for your company and Retailers to see, by clicking on the Upload button and adhering to the image requirements.
The basic information of the Manufacturer, Primary Contact, basic order requirements, and notes can be edited at the top of the screen:
Additionally, the tabs along the bottom allow you to manage other aspects of the Manufacturer as well.
Shipping Locations
Here you may manage any additional Shipping Locations your Manufacturer may have, using the New button to create additional ones as needed.
The Contacts tab allows you to add Contacts for this Manufacturer, using the New button to add new/additional Contacts as needed.
When editing a Contact, choosing Yes under the Primary option will mark that contact as the Primary Contact for the Manufacturer.
Contacts with a "star" icon denotes that location as the Primary Contact for this Manufacturer, and will be seen at the top of the screen. This may be changed by editing the desired Contact and setting the Primary option to YES.
This tab, similar to the Browse Items screen, allows you to search/sort and edit/delete items for this Manufacturer.
More information about features related to items may be found within the related Help Guide.
This tab allows you to manage Promotions for this Manufacturer, using the New button to add new Promotions as needed. The "Show on Website" option determines whether a Promotion will appear on your B2B Website.
For Manufacturers you share control of (shown by the "1-1" icon next to the Manufacturer's name), you may add up to 3 Promotions if they're on the BASIC (free) plan of MarketTime.
The Orders tab functions the same way as the Browse Orders screen does, allowing you to search/sort as needed, edit/transmit incomplete orders, and view PDF copies of the orders for this Manufacturer.
The Customers tab allows you to view a list of Customers that have ordered from this Manufacturer, and allow you to edit their Default information for this Manufacturer, among other things, by clicking on the Edit button.
On the resulting popup, you have the ability to add/edit default information for this Customer/Manufacturer as needed.
This tab shows a list of Salespeople are assigned to this Manufacturer, with the ability to search/sort similar to other windows. Clicking the Edit button for each Salesperson will take you to the Salesperson Maintenance page for that Salesperson.
Additionally, the Assign button will allow you to assign/un-assign Salespeople to/from this Manufacturer as needed.
There are also Salesperson Quick Report buttons located on this tab, that allow you to view some basic information about that Salesperson's sales with this Manufacturer.
Order Settings
The Settings tab allows you to manage the accepted Payment and Carrier terms this Manufacturer will accept and which Territories or Divisions it is assigned to.
To add Payment or Carrier terms, use the drop-down menu to select an option (or all options if needed) and clicking the plus button (+) to add the option.
The toggle button next to the drop-down determines whether or not information will need to be collected for that particular payment type.
Typically, the only Payment Terms that require this information are credit card options such as American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover.
Similar to Payment Terms, the same option is available when adding Carrier Terms, typically reserved for Shipping terms that require account information.
Order Exports
For Manufacturers who are members of MarketTime and are a PLUS member or higher, they have the ability to receive orders in manners other than the standard PDF copy. This screen will allow you to choose from a handful of per-determined Export methods for your Manufacturer, and even sample the file type in case they need to test it prior to implementation.
The Advanced tab will allow you to manage other additional default information and requirements such as Commission Rate, application requirements, or the like.
The Notes tab is for notes you'd like to share internally with your Salespeople.
The Documents works similar to the Browse Documents screen, and allows you to upload documents relevant to this Manufacturer such as Catalogs, Sell Sheets, Price Files, and Credit Applications. When uploading, you have the ability to choose whether or not they'll appear just for your reps, or on your B2B Website as well with the "Show on Website" toggle.
Creating and Managing Folders
Folders may be created by clicking on the Catalogs Folder button:
Here you can create a folder with the Add Folder button.
Name your folder, determine whether it should appear for retailers with the "Show on Website" option, and include an image for the folder if you choose.
Once complete, click Save.
Once your folder has been added, you can choose to add a sub folder, edit the existing folder, delete the folder, and add documents to the folder:
Manufacturer Detail
This tab allows you to add a description of your Manufacturer, and a banner image to the Manufacturer page of your B2B Website.