In cases where you may have begun putting items into your Basket for a customer but had to abandon the process, you may pick up where you left off by finding any Unfinished Orders.
What you'll learn
- How to locate any Unfinished Orders within MarketTime
- How to return to an Unfinished Order
The Difference between Unfinished and Incomplete orders
While the guide below references using Unfinished Orders and how to retrieve them, we felt it important to describe both Unfinished and Incomplete orders to understand the differences.
Unfinished Orders - These are orders that a Salesperson or Sales Agency Admin have begun, but not finalized. They've taken the steps to start an order, select a customer, and add items to the Basket, but left the process prior to clicking Finalize, which makes them only accessible via the Unfinished Orders button as shown in this article.
Incomplete Orders - These are orders that a Salesperson or Sales Agency Admin have begun and Finalized, but has not filled in all of the required fields to make it an OPEN order. Typically the difference between an INCOMPLETE and OPEN order is ensuring the Payment and Shipping Terms are selected.
To view any in-progress orders you may have started but haven't returned to yet, you can use the Unfinished Orders button at the top of the window to filter those orders when beginning a new order:
Unfinished orders may also be found on the Customers screen, using the same filter button:
Click the red Order icon next to the customer's name to take you back to the Basket where you left off.