From the Manufacturer or Sales Agency's B2B home page, you can click on "Shop by Category," "Shop by Brand," or enter a term into the search bar.

The resulting screen will differ depending on which option you've chosen.
Shop by Brands
Shop by Brands will take you to a list of Manufacturers available to you and allow you to click on one to see its page and begin shopping.
Shop by Items
Shop by Items takes you directly to browsing items from multiple vendors.
If you know what items you're looking for, you can use the Search bar to begin searching. This search bar allows you to search by Item Number/SKU, Description, or UPC number.
Additionally, the Advanced option will allow you to be more granular in your search.
If you'd prefer to browse through a specific Manufacturer's items, this can be done by selecting a Manufacturer with the Manufacturers filter on the left side of the screen.
You may also toggle your view from Grid (that contains item images if available) and List (that shows basic information about the items) using the corresponding icons.
Adding Items
To add items to your order, search/browse for your desired item, click the item, and click Add to Order to add the minimum quantity of that item to your Basket (if in Grid view).
The quantity of the item can be changed prior to clicking the Add to Order button, or from within your Basket.
List View
If in List view, clicking the + button will add the item to your order. You may also select your desired quantity of the item by changing the number in the Qty field before clicking the + button:
The View History button for each item will show you your order history with any particular item!
The Cart/ Shopping Basket
The Basket keeps you informed on various things throughout your session such as what items are in your Basket (1), the amount of items in the basket (2) any applicable Promotions (3), whether or not you've hit the Minimum Required Amount for each Manufacturer for whom you have items in your Basket for (3), and finally, the total amount of items in your Basket/total for all items (4).
In addition, the Promotions button will show you what current Promotions/Special Offers are available from the Manufacturers you've selected.
Minimum Met
The Minimum Met button will inform you whether or not you've reached the Minimum Order Amount for your selected Manufacturer as well.
Check Out Now Button
When you are ready to checkout, click the Checkout Now button to be taken to the finalization screen to double-check and finish your order.
If your Rep Group's B2B Website doesn't show the cart, it may be hidden, and these features can be accessed using the buttons above the items, next to your grand total:
Checkout / Order Finalizing
On the Finalization screen, you can make any final edits/adjustments to your Company for this order, add a Buyer name (which is required, so the Manufacturer/Salesperson can contact you regarding your order) (1), as well as complete the rest of your order, by choosing your Order Date, Ship Date, and Cancel Date (if applicable) (2).
While the PO number is auto-generated, you may replace it with something else. You'll enter the method in which the order should be shipped, and your payment method in the Ship Method and Payment Terms fields (3).
If you do not accept back orders for items, be sure to uncheck the Accept Back Orders checkbox to notify the Manufacturer (4).
Finally, the Special Instructions field allows you to add any notes that may be relevant to your order (5).
MarketTime does not process credit cards. They are securely stored and made available to Manufacturers for them to process.
You may also add additional items, (1) edit the quantity of the items in the Basket (2), add notes to each item (3), or remove an item (4) using the corresponding buttons.
Multiple Orders / Multiple Manufacturers
Toggling between orders by Manufacturer can be done at the top on the corresponding tabs.
The buttons along the bottom allow you to cancel the order you're currently viewing (1), view any current Promotions for the Manufacturer for the order you're viewing (2), and Print/Preview the order copy (3).
When you're finished with one order click the Next Order button to save the order and continue to the next order. (4) If on the final (or only) order during this session, the button will say Submit & Complete instead.
Submit & Complete
Once you are happy with your order(s), you will need to click the Submit & Complete button. This will give you a popup detailing the orders from your current session, allow you to print PDF copies of the orders, or return you to your orders dashboard.
Finding Your Assigned Salesperson
All orders will be sent to your Salesperson to review before being released to the Manufacturer. Any questions regarding the orders must be sent to the Sales Agency or your Salesperson. If you need information regarding your Salesperson, it can be found at the top of your orders dashboard.
Your Ordering Dashboard
Here is a quick summary of what the Status means in your Ordering Dashboard:
Status in Orders Dashboard | What it Means |
In Progress |
Option 1: The order is being reviewed by the Salesperson/Agency Option 2: The order is incomplete and needs to be finished by you |
Open | The order has been submitted to the Manufacturer |
Received | The order has been received by the Manufacturer for processing |
Complete | The order has been completed/closed out |
Things to note:
- Orders that have been approved and submitted to the Manufacturer by your Salesperson will show as "Open."
- Any orders that still need to be checked by the Salesperson and submitted to the Manufacturer will have a Status of "In Progress" (2).
- If you left an order without completing it, there will be a red alert in your dashboard stating that you have an incomplete order somewhere (1). This order will also have an "In Progress" status.
- You can click on the edit icon (paper/pencil) (3) for any order that hasn't been reviewed by the Salesperson and submitted to a Manufacturer.
- Once it has been reviewed and sent to the manufacturer, the pencil/paper icon changes to an eyeball and becomes uneditable.
- Additional status words may appear in your dashboard if the Manufacturer updates the account as your order progresses through their system. EX: processed, modified, pending, shipped, backorder, etc.
Determining an Incomplete Order
To determine which order is incomplete, click on the edit icon on any "In Progress" orders.
- Those simply awaiting Salesperson approval will say "Open" on the actual order.
- Those that are missing something will say "Incomplete" in that section.
Anything that says "Incomplete" on the order form will stay in your dashboard as "In Progress" until you complete any missing fields on the order and click "Submit & Complete."
How to Duplicate an Order
You can duplicate an order from your Orders Dashboard as well.
1. Click on the icon on the far right of the order you'd like to duplicate
2. On the proceeding pop-up, enter your ship date and new purchase order number. Note: the order and ship dates will default to the current date. If you do not edit the purchase order number, you will get an error message and need to restart the process.
3. Double-check the order for appropriate shipping, billing, promos, quantities, etc. and then click "Submit & Complete" at the bottom.
This order will then appear in your Orders Dashboard as a new line item with the Status of "In Progress" until it is approved and submitted by your Salesperson to the Manufacturer.