MarketTime offers the ability to generate unique identifiers that allow you to print custom, scan-able barcodes for items your Manufacturers may not have provided or have UPC barcodes for their items.
MarketTime Barcodes may also be referred to as UPC3 or "RepTime" Barcodes
What you'll learn
- How to generate MarketTime Barcodes
For more information about printing barcodes, see our Help Guide on the subject.
You may generate MarketTime Barcodes in three different locations within MarketTime.
Generating MarketTime Barcodes during Item Import
On the final step of the item import process, you'll notice a checkbox you can select that will generate these barcodes for the items you're importing:
Generating MarketTime Barcodes after items have been imported
The second location you may generate MarketTime Barcodes is on the Items tab within any given Manufacturer.
Simply click the UPC3 button above the items, and they will be generated.
Select the desired items (1) and click the UPC3 button (2):
Troubleshooting Printing UPC3 Barcodes in the Web Portal
If there is an issue printing UPC3 labels from the web portal, labels can be printed and scanned from the MarketTime Pro App using the %<ItemI.RecordD> field instead. For more information and instructions, please review the video below.