Did you know you can approve buyers to shop automatically so that they can immediately browse your online marketplace?
When buyers request to shop in your online marketplace, you need to approve them as a connection in Passport and then map their billing and shipping information (see this article on approving and mapping buyers). As soon as you approve a retailer, they can browse your online marketplace. Once you map their billing and shipping info, they can check out and submit orders. You can skip the approval process and make sure buyers are able to browse your online marketplace right away by using the auto-approval feature within your Brandwise Passport! You can either 1) auto-approve any retailer that requests to shop or 2) upload a list of buyers to be pre-approved. The article below will provide all the guidance you need!
First, log in to your Brandwise Passport here. Then, select your name in the top-right and choose your Agency Passport:
Under the Admin menu, click Approval Options, and then collapse the General Settings panel:
If you have not uploaded a file of pre-approved buyers yet, then Disable Automatic Approvals will be the default. This option requires that all buyers be approved manually within your Agency Passport. If you have previously uploaded a file of pre-approved buyers, then Enable Automatic Approvals Only From Uploaded File will be the default. If the option to Enable Automatic Approvals for All Retailers is enabled, then any retailer that requests to connect will be automatically approved.
Keep in mind that they still cannot checkout on the site until their billing and shipping information has been mapped.
If you select a different option, make sure to click the Save button:
If you select Enable Automatic Approvals Only From Uploaded File, then you can click Upload a New Automatic Approval File:
This will take you to the Transit screen where you can View Current Buyer’s File or Upload New Pre-Approved Buyer’s File:
Note that this upload requires a FULL file each time, not just a file of additions to your previous upload. Keep a master spreadsheet of all the buyers and simply add to it each time you want to add more buyers and then re-upload. The spreadsheet should have one column in the file and that column will be populated with email addresses. Click Upload New Pre-Approved Buyer’s File to upload your list.
Tip: Make sure the spreadsheet has been saved to a Tab Delimited text file. If you are saving in Excel, you’ll choose this option from the file type drop-down:
You can drag and drop the text file or browse to the location where it is stored by clicking Choose Your Buyer Email File:
Once you’ve chosen your file, click Upload:
Good work, you are all done! If a buyer requests to connect using one of the email addresses in your file, then they will be automatically approved! Don't forget to map their billing and shipping information so they can check out if they want to submit an order.