Once you've opened the app, you will be presented with a login screen. The login you use within the RepTime app will be the same as the login you created for MarketTime.
If you do not remember your Username or Password, please navigate to MarketTime and use the relevant option to find your Username or reset your Password.
If you haven't used the application before on the device you're logging into, you'll be asked to perform a Sync.
Tap Start Sync to begin the process.
This will sync your data into the app, for all RepTime rep groups you are a part of.
Your single login allows you to only need to keep track of one set of credentials, and switch between companies as needed!
Once the Sync is complete, you'll be notified and be allowed to enter the app!
If you would like to download your Manufacturer's item images, you can navigate to the sync menu to do so, tapping the Download Images button.