MarketTime offers many reports for you to find various things within your company's data.
This feature is found on the Reports & Statements screen under Reports & Analytics in the Navigation Menu.
Video Overview
Choose the Desired Report
Step 1 is to choose the type of report you'd like to run.
Lists & Labels
1. Customer -A list of Customer
2. Customers by Order Sales - Customer order history
3. Specials, Line Lists, and Square Reports - List of MFR specials, a list of MFRs, or a "Square" report for note-taking.
4. Master Line List & Requirements - List of Manufacturers with territory information, requirements, or guidelines (as set on the Advanced tab within each Manufacturer)
Order Sales
1. List of Orders - A list of Orders
2. Order Totals - Order Totals
3. Orders Outstanding - Orders that haven't been paid or shipped
4. Customer Sales History by Orders - Detailed customer order history
5. Monthy Totals by Orders & Invoices - Monthly breakdown of orders in totals
6. Three Range Sales Comparison Report - Sales Comparison for up to 3 date ranges.
Item Sales
1. Top Selling Items - Top selling items
2. Monthly Item Sales - Item sales by month
Order Payment
1. Salesperson Commission Statement- Commission information for the Salespeople
2. Monthly Totals by Invoices & Commissions - Monthly breakdown of orders in totals by Inv/Com.
3. Commissions Outstanding - Displays orders with outstanding commission amounts.
4. Salesperson Commission Statement Summary - Summary of commission information per Salesperson.
Once you've selected your report, the filters below it allow you to choose a specific Date Range, select Salespeople, Manufacturers, Order Codes, etc. as desired.
Depending on the report chosen, there may be more or less options displayed.
Grouping/Sorting of your Data
Step 2 allows you to group and sort your data prior to actually generating the report. Depending on the report chosen, there may be more or less options displayed.
The example shown below is the Customer List report.
This report allows you to Group by Salesperson, Manufacturer or Retailer. (1)
In addition to Grouping, you may sort by columns as well, with the ability to sort by multiple columns by selecting additional options. (2)
You may choose to show the Bill To or Ship To information (3)
Get Results and Export
The final step is to click the Run Report button to view your results.
Upon successful generation of your report, you have the ability to update the report's Sorting using the Sorting Options button allowing you to update the grouping/sorting for this report without having to re-generate it:
You may export your report in a variety of options using the Export drop-down, which then allows you to name the file before saving.
When choosing the Email option, you may enter in the email you'd like the report to be sent to.
Finally, you may Print your report using the Print button.