Browsing through Manufacturers you and your company allows you to see basic information and even run Quick Reports.
Browsing through Manufacturers you and your company allows you to see basic information and even run Quick Reports.
In order to manage your Manufacturers, you'll want to go to the Manufacturers option in the Navigation Menu.
Video Overview
General Navigation
Similar to other screens, you can search through your Manufacturers (1), sort by the various column headers as needed (2), and toggle between Active/Inactive Manufacturers (3).
When viewing your Manufacturers, there will be an icon to the right of those who are signed up for the Portal and linked with your company.
This is just a visual indication that this Manufacturer is being managed by someone other than your sales agency (usually the Manufacturer themselves).
You are unable to edit some information for Manufacturers who are using MarketTime, as it is managed directly by them. The "chain" icon next to a Manufacturer is what determines this.
In addition to the icon, the Action column will show a View button rather than an Edit button.
To export your Manufacturers as a list into an Excel sheet, select your desired Manufacturers (1), then click the Export All button (2).
Quick Reports
Quick Reports are designed to give you as much information at-a-glance as possible, without making you run full reports to find something simple.
This feature is found by clicking the Quick Report button next to the desired Manufacturer.
The resulting window shows you basic sales information for the last calendar year for all customers who have placed orders with the chosen Manufacturer.
For more information on this feature, view the Help Guide on the subject.