Although not common, MarketTime offers a "Multi-commission Entry" option on the Commissions screen for those who add invoices to MarketTime separate from commission information.
Please read this guide in it's entirety before proceeding with use of this feature.
Reach out to for more information, or to find out if this feature would be beneficial to you.
What you'll learn
- How to post commissions to previously-invoiced orders
This feature is found on the Commissions screen, under Order Payments on the Navigation Menu.
Prerequisites for Multi-commission entry
Similar to traditional invoice/commission entry, there are basic prerequisites that must be met in order to use this feature successfully.
- A check must exist for the Manufacturer that this is being performed for. This ensures the invoices/commissions are being associated with the correct check/commission date.
- Invoices have already been entered/imported for the orders in question. This feature does not work with orders without invoices attached.
Multi-commission entry
Similar to traditional invoice/commission entry, it's recommended to filter by Manufacturer (1), then by Check (2) using the options at the top of the Commissions screen.
To post commissions to the remaining orders, simply click the Post checkbox next to each desired order.
This action will auto-fill commission information for the selected order(s) and the Salesperson assigned based on the Manufacturer Commission percentage shown above the orders and the default Salesperson Commission percentage to satisfy the auto-close percentage you've set.
Additional Refinement Options
Order Status Filter
You may further refine the remaining orders to be commissioned by using the Order Status Filter:
1. Completed Orders - Orders that have invoices/commissions attached that satisfy the auto-close percentage you've set.
2. Open/Sent Orders - Orders that have an order status of OPEN or TRANSMITTED and have an invoice attached.
3. Partially Invoiced Orders - Orders that have invoices/commissions attached that still have an outstanding amount that doesn't satisfy the auto-close percentage you've set.
4. Only Invoiced Orders - Orders that have an invoice attached.
Manufacturer Commission Percentage
During this process, you may alter the standard Manufacturer Commission Percentage as needed for each order using the Comm % field: