MarketTime offers the ability to set a variety of default settings, improving your general use of the website.
Video Overview
Updating Contact Info for PDF Orders
Found by clicking your name in the top-right corner of MarketTime and choosing Company Info, you can update your Phone, Fax, and Email Address, all of which appear on PDF copies for Manufacturers and Customers to see.
Changing your Password
Should you need to change the password for MarketTime, the Profile tab will allow you to do so.
Enter in your current password, then using the on-screen password requirements, enter in your new password, and confirm it by typing it in again.
Once complete click the Reset Password button.
The password change will take affect the next time you log into MarketTime.
Setting default options for Order Writing
Found on the Default Settings tab, you may update the settings shown on-screen to help personalize your MarketTime experience, assisting in efficiency and accuracy in a variety of locations throughout the website.
Default Ship Date- The default Ship Date selected for all orders written in MarketTime.
Default Cancel Date - The default Cancel Date selected for all orders written in MarketTime,
Accept Back Orders - Whether or not the "Accept Back Orders" checkbox is automatically selected for your customers when writing orders.
Auto Set Minimum Quantity - Enabling this feature auto-adds items to your basket by their Minimum quantity (This will disable the "quick entry" feature of Item Number ENTER Quantity ENTER).
Auto-Select Salesperson by Only Zip Code - Feature coming soon.
Default Order Code - Allows you to choose what Order Code is selected for every order.
Sort Items on View - Allows you to choose how items are sorted in your Baskett.
Sort Items on Prints - Allows you to choose how items are sorted on printed PDF copies.
Print Images - Determines if Images are to appear on PDF copies when transmitting orders (We recommend disabling this feature, as customers receive a link to download a copy with images automatically with their email notification).
Default Customer Listing - Determines whether your default Search will be by Bill To or Ship To customer information.
Set Manufacturers Suffix - Feature coming soon.
Default Manufacturers - Determines what Manufacturer is selected by default for all orders.
Default Search for Order Entry Determines how you'll search through items during Order Entry.
Default Customers Email Message Body - This message appears in the body of the email notification sent to customers when sending orders to customers.
Default Manufacturers Email Message Body - This message appears in the body of the email notification sent to manufacturers when transmitting orders to manufacturers.
Default Salesperson Email Message Body - This message appears in the body of the email notification sent to Salespeople when sending a copy of the notification/order to Salespeople.
Send Notification to Retailer - When this is un-checked, customers will no longer receive email notifications when a Manufacturer updates an order's status.
As always, be sure to click the Save Default Settings button when making any changed to ensure they save.