This article provides guidance on uploading your product spreadsheet using Transit within your Brandwise Passport. Transit makes it easy for suppliers to share product files with agencies. Suppliers, this is an easy way to ensure your agencies have the latest product data. Agencies will receive a perfectly formatted product file for import to their system. In addition, the data you upload in Transit directly populates the online B2B marketplaces (also known as Reach 2.0)!
Table of Contents
- Sign in to Passport
- Step 1 - Choose Upload File
- Step 2 - Preview File
- Step 3 – Currency Selection
- Step 4 – Price Mapping
- Step 5 – Category Mapping
- Step 6 - Product Mapping
- Step 7 – Recommended Mapping
- Step 8 - Review and Complete Upload
Sign in to Passport
To get started, log in to your Brandwise company Passport. The Transit menu will display once you've selected your company name in the top-right.
Click the Transit menu at the top to access the upload screen. This screen provides detailed information about using Transit, including an article that offers guidance on preparing your product file for upload. Pay careful attention to the notes on this page. It is very important that you upload your entire product file every time – not just what’s new.
**Pro Tip: Before uploading your file, you may want to review our article on preparing your product file for upload in Transit here.**
Once you’re ready to upload your product file, click the Upload Product File button:
Step 1 - Upload
Your product file must be in an Excel (.xls or .xlsx) or Text format (.txt). You’ll see there are two different ways to select a file for upload. You can either drag and drop your file onto the upload page or click to choose your product file:
Then, click the Upload button:
Step 2 - Preview
If you upload a Text file, you'll need to pick a column delimiter. The column delimiter simply determines how the columns in your file are separated. The currently supported delimiters are tab, comma, and pipe. An Excel file (.xlsx) is being used in this example, so a delimiter does not need to be defined. We strongly recommend that you include column headers as it will make mapping your product file that much easier. Here, you can review the first five rows of your file. If you have made it this far and realize that you may not have uploaded the most recent file or something looks wrong, simply click Back to Upload and start over. If everything looks good, click Next.
Step 3 – Currency Selection
Transit currently supports three currency types: United States Dollar, Australian, and Canadian Dollar. This currency will be reflected on the latest version of the online marketplace and will determine which currency is sent to the Agency for them to load into their Play system. If you only offer products with US pricing, then just check the box next to United States Dollar. If you have multiple currencies, all currencies must be provided in your file. For example, if you have representation in the US and Canada, you MUST include both currencies in the same file as outlined in the template and example file. Then, click Next.
If you choose United States Dollar, then you’ll simply map United States Dollar. If you have United States Dollar and Canadian Dollar, then you can click USD or CAD to map the appropriate fields:
Step 4 – Price Mapping
In this step, you'll be mapping your pricing. You can map the base price for a product and up to five additional price breaks if needed. If you do not have price breaks, leave the value at 0:
We only have the base price in this example, so we won’t be using any additional price breaks.
If you utilize price breaks, please watch our video on how to map price breaks in Transit here.
The left side of the screen displays the Brandwise fields for mapping pricing:
If you need more information about a Brandwise field, you can tap or hover over the question mark on the field and a description will display. For example, if you hover over the question mark next to Quantity, you will see that it is the minimum required quantity to get the base price. The right side of the screen displays the column headers in the file you uploaded. If you need to see the data within a specific column, tap or hover over the question mark next to the header to see the first four rows of the data in the file:
To map the Brandwise fields to your column headers, click the Brandwise field on the left that you want to map to a column header on the right, then click the plus button to map it to the appropriate column on the right. Note that the MSRP field is optional. To map the price, click on the Price field on the left and then click the plus button next to the appropriate header on the right. In the example below, the Brandwise field, Price, has been mapped to the header, Price, in the import file:
If you map a field incorrectly, click the minus button next to the header on the right to remove the mapping. If you need to remove all the mapped values in this step, click the Remove Mapping Settings button below the table of your headers and remap as necessary. Once you've mapped all the pricing fields, click Next to move to category mapping:
Step 5 – Category Mapping
Categories are optional, so you can proceed past this step by clicking Next if needed, but we recommend adding this information as it enhances the retailer shopping experience on the online marketplace. For guidance on uploading categories, view the article here.
Step 6 - Product Mapping
You must include a status column in your product file as outlined in the template. The accepted values are 1 or Active, 2 or Discontinued, and 3 or Inactive. Active means the product is available for sale. Discontinued means you have limited stock, and Inactive means the product is not available for sale.
Map the required fields for your products: Product SKU, Product Name, Product Status and Order Quantity Increment. In the example below, Order Quantity Increment is mapped to the header, Mult (for Multiple). The Order Quantity Increment is the increment the item must follow when adjusting quantities. After the product mapping is complete, click Next to move on to Recommended Mapping.
Step 7 – Recommended Mapping
The recommended fields will enhance the product file for your agency as well as the retailer's shopping experience. These fields include quantity on hand and availability date, and you can map as many or as few of these as needed. The more data you can provide, the more it will improve the selling process for your reps. If your products are labeled with UPC codes, it's very helpful to the agencies if these are included in your file so they can use them to scan products onto orders! The product template describes each recommended field and where they are displayed in Brandwise.
In the example below, Quantity On Hand, Barcode (UPC), Availability Date, and Unit of Measure have been mapped. You do not need to map all the Brandwise fields on the left, and you also do not need to map every header in the file. If there are columns in your product file that do not apply to any of the mapping elements, then you can simply leave them unmapped. Click Next to continue to the Review step.
Step 8 - Review
During this step, a data validation process checks the file for any errors. Once the processing is complete, you'll see a summary of the file and upload information. It reports the number of rows that are in the file, the number of rows that have been previously imported, and the number of rows that are ready for import (which is a summary of rows that have changed). If there are any errors, click the Export Errors Details to File button to see which rows in the file need to be fixed. You’ll want to go back to your master spreadsheet and make the appropriate changes before re-importing again by clicking the Back to Upload button. Transit will remember all your mapping settings, so you won’t need to re-map everything after fixing your file. If there are no errors found, that means the data is clean, complete, and ready for upload. We do allow duplicate barcodes, which is why that’s simply reflected as a Warning. Note that if nothing has changed since the last time you uploaded the file, you will not be able to proceed with the import. If everything looks good, click Continue Upload:
Pro Tip: Remember to upload a full file every time (not just corrections or new products), as this will ensure all the corrections are in future uploads and your agency has 100% of your product.
Once the file has been successfully uploaded, you'll see a list of the agencies that received the product file:
Only the agencies that have a business connection through your Passport dashboard are going to receive data files when uploaded in Transit. The agency will receive a perfectly formatted text file for them to import into their Brandwise Play system. Additionally, the data uploaded will become immediately available on the latest version of the online marketplace. If one of your connected agencies is using the latest version of the online marketplace, you can browse their site to see exactly what a retailer sees when they’re shopping your brand online! For more information, see the tutorial here. A tutorial on viewing previously uploaded product files can be found here.