This article will help you generate a list of catalogs that have been uploaded to Brandwise including information about hotspots!
To begin, log in to Content Management. If you are a supplier/brand, log in to your Brandwise company Passport and then click the Content menu. This will launch a new tab, so be sure to enable pop-ups for Brandwise if a message in the address bar says a pop-up was blocked. If you are an agency, log in to using your 100 Username and then click the Content Management menu at the top of the page. If you see a message telling you that your company has not been configured for Content Management, please contact Brandwise Support by calling 303-788-9970 x1 or by emailing
To begin, click the Reports menu within your Content Management login:
Click the Catalog Status link:
The report page will launch in a new tab, so make sure pop-ups are enabled in your browser for Brandwise:
- Catalog Supplier: If you are a supplier, select your company name in the drop-down. If you are an agency, all supplier names are selected by default. Use the checkboxes to indicate the supplier(s) for whom you want to run the report.
- Hotspot Set Status
- Ready To Hotspot: The catalog has been uploaded but no hotspotting has been done. If you have your own Play system, then the catalog can still be published to your Play system, but it will be for browsing purposes only.
- Hotspot Started: The catalog has been uploaded and hotspots have been started by someone (the supplier or another connected agency). It’s possible that hotspotting has been completed, but the person hotspotting has not manually marked the hotspots as “Complete”. If you have your own Play system, then the catalog can still be published to your Play system and you can utilize the existing hotspots.
- Hotspot Approval: The catalog has been uploaded and hotspots have been started by someone (could be the supplier or another connected agency). The hotspots are complete but have been marked for “approval” which just means that the person who hotspotted the catalog needs one of their colleagues to double-check their work. If you have your own Play system, then the catalog can still be published to your Play system and you can utilize the existing hotspots.
- Complete: The catalog has been uploaded and hotspots have been added. This status requires that the person hotspotting mark the catalog as “Complete”, which indicates that the entire catalog has been hotspotted.
- Click View Report