MarketTime allows the ability to categorize items for your B2B e-commerce website to assist your customers in finding their desired items.
Categories and subcategories can not be added manually. You must submit your requests to MarketTime. Templates can be found at the bottom of this article.
What you'll learn
- How to create an Item Category
- How to add subcategories to a Category
- How to add items to an Item Category, manually and via Excel import.
MarketTime offers two distinct ways to categorize products on your B2B Website.
Both options begin with Category Groups. Category Groups are the highest level of categorization and offer browsability from virtually anywhere on the site.
Once these are set up, proceed below.
Categories by Manufacturer
If you prefer to display your Manufacturers by category rather than categorizing each item, set your Category Group Type to Manufacturer on the Theme tab of your B2B Settings.
With this set, you may use the Category Groups (Maintenance > Category Groups) screen to assign each Manufacturer to the Category Group(s) you desire.
The video below outlines this process:
Managing Item Categories is done on the Categories screen, found under Maintenance in the Navigation Menu.
Categories by Item
To begin creating an Item Category, toggle over to the Item Categories tab, and click the Add button in the top right corner:
Here you may search through and select from a variety of predetermined Categories.
Once you select your desired Categories, click Save.
Adding subcategories to a Category
Once you've created your category, click on the Add Subcategory button to begin selecting items.
This will allow you to further categorize items within the main Category you've chosen to expand.
Here you can search through and select from a variety of predetermined Sub-Categories to add to your Category.
Once you select your desired Sub-Category, click Save.
Adding items to a Category
After you've created your category, click on the Assign Items to Category button to begin selecting items.
This screen will allow you to choose a Manufacturer (1), select the items you'd like to add (2), then Assign the items to the Category (3).
Additionally, you can choose which Sub-Category to assign the items to by using the corresponding drop-down:
Adding items to a Category via Excel Import
In instances where you'd like to assign items to their Categories/Subcategories in bulk, you can use the Import Category, SubCategory and Items button found on the Import/Export screen. Relevant template for this task is below (Item Category Import Template.xlsx)
The Item Categories you create can be seen and utilized by your Retailers while using your B2B Website to find the right items for them.