MarketTime allows you the ability to manage a Manufacturer's items for your company to use when inputting Line Item Orders.
If you are intending to include Product Category information to support your company's use of the MarketTime Pro app, see our dedicated article on Product Categories for MarketTime Pro.
You may not import items for a Manufacturer who is linked to more than your own sales agency. If you require the ability to manage items for a Manufacturer who may work with other MarketTime sales agencies, you must create your own "copy" of the Manufacturer. If there is an eyeball icon next to the Manufacturer's name, they control their own data and/or are linked to more than one Sales Agency. Product files can be uploaded for any Manufacturer that has a pencil icon next to their name.
This task is performed using the Import/Export Items option found under Maintenance in the Navigation Menu
Video Overview
Select a Manufacturer
Here you will be asked to select a Manufacturer, then you will be given access to the buttons below.
Note: You may not import items for a Manufacturer who is linked to more than your own sales agency. If you require the ability to manage items for a Manufacturer who may work with other MarketTime sales agencies, you must create your own "copy" of the Manufacturer. If there is an eyeball icon next to the Manufacturer's name, they control their own data and/or are linked to more than one Sales Agency. Product files can be uploaded for any Manufacturer that has a pencil icon next to their name.
MarketTime recommends that you use the template provided or reference the template when creating your file and before uploading. The template, linked HERE and at the top of this article provides instructions for formatting each column as well as which columns are critical and the implications for not filling out certain columns.
Import Items
To import new products, click the Import Items button:
Here you will choose to browse for your Excel file with product data in it, by clicking the Choose button and searching your computer for the desired product file.
Once selected, you will need to match the columns within the Excel sheet with what MarketTime will expect those columns to contain, to ensure the data imports correctly.
Do this by using the drop-down menus by the items with the red X next to them, which notates that they were not automatically matched.
Any columns left unmatched will not be imported.
To match a column, click the drop-down button and match your column with the expected column. You can also search for the field name in the search bar:
Now that all the data has been properly matched, and all columns have check-marks next to them, click the Next button (found in the top or bottom right corners of the window) to move to the next step!
The next screen allows you to view your data to ensure it’s correct, and make any last-minute alterations if need.
If the data is correct, click the Next button to progress to the next step!
The final screen has a few additional options to choose from before initiating the import:
If this is your initial import for a Manufacturer, it does not matter what you choose, but for future imports, it's important to know that if you choose to check the Replace checkbox, it will remove what's currently in MarketTime, and replace it with what's in the file you're currently importing.
When ready, click the Import Items button, and the process will begin.
If there are any errors during the process, you will be notified, and be given the ability to view the error file.
Once the process has successfully completed, you will be taken to that Manufacturer's screen.