If the supplier accepts electronic orders through Stream, then follow the guidance below on finishing and sending Confirmed orders.
To finish the order, tap the Orders icon. Verify the products, ship dates, and suppliers on each order, then tap Finish All.
Choose Quote or HFC to save the order to the Brandwise cloud without delivering it to the supplier(s). Once the order is in an HFC status, enter the payment term and shipping method for each order. The print and email functionality is now also available.
Tap Confirm All and then tap Exit to save these changes. If the iPad has an internet connection, then the order is automatically saved to the Brandwise cloud upon exit, as well as sent to the supplier(s) if the order is Confirmed. If there is no internet connection, run a sync on the iPad (tap Sync Data button on the Welcome screen) to send the orders as soon as an internet connection is available.