This article provides guidance on publishing and unpublishing catalogs in Brandwise.
Publishing catalogs is functionality available to anyone with their own Brandwise Play or Reach system. If you do not use Brandwise to capture orders, then you do not need to publish catalogs. If you own Brandwise Play or Reach system, then you’ll start from the Catalogs in Progress page. Click on the catalog you want to publish:
Before publishing, you may want to hotspot the catalog so that it’s shoppable. For more information on hotspotting, see the video here. Click the orange Unpublished button and then select Publish to publish the catalog:
You’ll see a confirmation screen indicating the catalog will be published to your Play and Reach (if applicable) systems unless you uncheck the green checkmarks shown under Play and Reach:
After clicking Submit, the catalog will display on the Catalogs Complete page and can be unpublished by clicking the green Published button and selecting Unpublish:
Clicking Unpublish will unpublish the catalog so that it can be published again in the future. Clicking Republish should be done after you’ve edited any hotspots. Clicking Delete will remove the catalog from your Content Management view altogether.
Click OK to the confirmation: