This article will help you, the Reach admin, maintain your Reach 2.0 site after it has been implemented.
Adding New Vendors to Your Reach Site (and Play)
1. Submit a New Vendor request through your 100 login at For further guidance, review this article.
2. Once Brandwise Finance sends you an email confirming the vendor addition:
- On your 100 server, go to Setup > Suppliers > Suppliers and click the Add/Update Information From Brandwise button to bring in the new vendor
- Run a Data Transfer on your 100 Server
- Payment Terms tab: payment terms are defined and at least one payment term (typically credit card) is set to “Both” under the Allowed Systems drop-down.
- Important note: if your customers have assigned payment terms on their personnel record such as Net30, then their payment term will default to Net30. There is no need to set Net30 to "Both" under the Allowed Systems drop-down unless you want any retailer to have the ability to choose Net30.
- Credit Cards tab: accepted credit cards are defined
- Shipping tab: at least one shipping method is defined - set a Default Shipping Method
- WEB tab: select the default payment method you want to use for Reach (usually Credit Card) by selecting the term under the WEB Sale Payment Term drop-down. Enter a default payment method you want to use for new customers on Reach (usually Credit Card). Make sure the “Allow Web Sales” box is checked and that the Default Web Order status drop-down is set to HFC.
3. Upload products on your 100 server for this vendor and run a Data Transfer
4. Log in to your company Passport, and then click Add Business Connection. Click the drop-down to find the new vendor and request to connect. See this article for further details on adding a business connection.
5. Configure the Shoppable Brands within your Agency Passport. See this article for guidance.
Retailer Registration
1. You will receive an email from Brandwise if a retailer wants to connect to your agency in Passport.
2. Login to your Agency passport at here and approve the retailer connection. Next, map the billing and shipping information for this customer using your 100SFA login at This is the same login you use to assign licenses to users. See this article for further information on retailer approval and mapping.
3. Registration Reporting
- Login to using your 100SFA login and go to Reach > Reach Retailers to generate a report of registrants and their activity on the site
Content Management
1. Upload catalogs, publish new catalogs, and unpublish old catalogs
2. Upload individual product images
- Make sure to republish the catalog if hotspots have been edited