MarketTime allows you the flexibly to set specific pricing per Sales Agency, and per Customer as needed.
The features shown below only apply to those who directly manage their data within MarketTime for linked Sales Agencies.
What you'll learn
- Managing pricing for retailers within MarketTime
This feature is found on the Advanced tab within the Manage Company screen.
Setting Standard B2B Pricing Policy
Using the B2B Item Pricing Policy drop-down, you may choose how your items appear by default for all customers within that Sales Agency's B2B Website:
Here you may see any customers who have previously purchased your products within MarketTime, and set their standard pricing if you offer more than one price for your items.
Approve Pricing Requests and set Pricing per Customer
You may further determine pricing using the "action" button to the right of each Sales Agency :
The resulting window will show you Pending, Approved, and Rejected customers.
If you've chosen the Hide Item Price option, customers will see a "request for approval" button, and you will need to approve pricing for Customers using the Pending filter:
Pricing can be changed and access can be revoked using the various filters and the "action" button next to each Customer.
Preview your Brand
Additionally, you may preview what your brand looks like on that particular agency's B2B website using the "eyeball" icon: