In addition to item management, you may also upload images for your items for your sales agencies to utilize.
What you'll learn
- How to import images in bulk
- How to import images individually for an item
- How to manage items with multiple images
Importing Multiple Images at Once
Begin by clicking on the Import/Export button on the left side of the screen, and click the Import Images button in the Import section of the screen.
Similar to importing other images or product files into MarketTime, this will allow you to browse for your desired images and upload them.
Criteria for the images is found just above the Choose button:
Images must be named exactly as the Item Number appears in MarketTime for the system to match your images with your products (ex. 1003.jpg with item 1003).
Select your images, then click Open to move to the next step.
Your selected images will then appear in the popup window, as seen below:
If this looks correct, click the Upload button, and the images will process, and disappear from the list as they are uploaded.
Once complete, the window will close and you’ll receive a success message:
You can view your images by clicking the Grid View button, or choosing to view/edit the individual item:
You also have the ability to upload images individually.
Importing Images Individually
To do this, view an item's details by clicking the Edit button for the corresponding item, then clicking the Upload Image button:
Importing Multiple Images for a Single Item
The import process for importing more than one image for a single item (for a total of 6 images) is identical to the regular "bulk" import, with one difference.
When importing multiple images for a single item, they must still contain the Item Number, but it should be followed by two underscores and a number, as seen in the example below:
The Default image for the item will be the "regularly" named image (without the underscores and additional number).
Additional images can be added using the Add button next to the main image, for a total of 6.
Once you've uploaded multiple images, you can choose which one to set as the default image by choosing your desired image, and clicking the Set as Default button.
View a list of Items without Images
To view a list of items that do not have images, navigate to the Import/Export option under Items on the left side of the screen, and choose Items without Images.
On the resulting popup, you will be given a list of items that do not currently have images, with the ability to click the Edit button (1) to go directly to that item to add an image, and the ability to export that list of items to CSV using the corresponding button (2).