Brandwise recently received approval to have our Play for iPad application released to the Apple App Store! Please be sure to communicate with your back-office regarding the timing of the migration for your entire company. A few important notes:
- Before using your new mtPlay application from the App Store, you will need to sync all your licenses that you currently use to write orders in your Play application.
- As the application will now be distributed through the App Store, we will be able to deliver upgrades more frequently and you can take the upgrade at your convenience through the App Store. Depending on the settings on your iPad, your application may even update automatically.
- The dashboard icons that you see on your Play application will not be visible on the new mtPlay application. We plan to reintroduce these with a future update.
- To download the application from the App Store you must have an Apple ID you can log in with
Please follow the steps below to migrate from Play for iPad to mtPlay.
- Run a Sync within the existing Play for iPad app to ensure your orders are saved to the cloud (do not enter new orders yet).
- Go to the App Store on your iPad, search mtPlay and install the new application. The icon for mtPlay is the same as it was for Play, so you will know you have the correct application.
- After you have run a sync on the license(s), you will want to tap the user profile icon and document the License information (this will be important as you will need these to get your sync on mtPlay started). Please document your license information for all licenses you may have in use under Play for iPad.
- Brandwise will need to reset the machine name for each of your licenses. Please coordinate with your back office.
- Once the machine name has been reset, you may enter the credentials of your license and tap Get Started.
- Once the Sync completes, you are all set to use mtPlay!
- Remove the old Play for iPad app. To do this, press and hold the Play icon until a menu displays. Tap the Delete App option then tap Delete to delete the old application.
- If you have additional licenses to install, you can simply tap the Agency name from the login screen and tap the “+ Add License” button at the bottom.
- Enter your license info and start the sync.
- Repeat Steps 8 and 9 as needed until you have all licenses set up under mtPlay.
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