Attention all manufacturers and agencies that manage manufacturer items! In MarketTime, you can now use item assortments for the products you sell. Item assortments combine multiple items under one item number and barcode. Previously, specifying which items belonged to an assortment and how many items were included was challenging. Now, you have a simple way to add, edit, import, and export the assortments you sell.
You can also use item assortments as a sales agency or salesperson. Quickly scan a single barcode or add a single item number for assortments. One scan or click, and you're done!
Before you Start
Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating and working with item assortments:
- Item assortments cannot contain items with size, color, style variants
- Items with size, color, and style variants cannot be added to item assortments
- Currently:
- Only the parent item will appear, and the child items will not appear for orders:
- Viewed/created using the mtPro iPad application
- Viewed/exported from Stream
- We have plans to show the child items in assortments as we continue to add new capabilities to the set of Item Assortment features
- Only the parent item will appear, and the child items will not appear for orders:
Create Item Assortments Manually
To create item assortments manually, please follow these steps:
- Add or import the items you want to be included in the assortment using any of these methods:
- Navigate to the View Items page
- Locate the item that you will turn into the assortment (or click New to create a new item)
- Click the Assortment tab
- Click Add More Items
- Select the items you want to be included in the assortment
- Click Select Items
- Set the Qty for each included item:
- If you make any further changes to the assortment, click Save at the top of the page:
- After the assortment has been created, when you look at the Additional Details tab, you'll see the Assortments toggle has automatically changed to Yes
Import Assortments
Import Template
To download the item import template, which includes a worksheet for importing item assortments, please use the template links at the top of these pages:
File Requirements
- File format must only be in .XLS, .XLSX, or .CSV.
- The file must contain the three required columns:
- Assortment Item Number
- Item Number
- Quantity in Assortment
- MarketTime will only upload the first sheet in your file.
- Please look at the import template's first sheet for additional help formatting your file.
How Data is Imported
By default:
- The system will create a new item assortment if the file contains new item assortment numbers.
- New child items with a quantity of zero will not be imported.
- If the file contains updated child items or quantities, the system will be updated with the values from your import file.
- Existing child items not included in the import file will not be updated.
- If the file contains existing child items with zero quantity, they will be removed from their parent item assortments.
- Items will not be imported when:
- A parent assortment is being imported as a child of itself.
- A child item is an assortment (a child assortment of a parent assortment).
- The parent assortment or the child item has SCS (Size, Color, and Styles).
How to Import Assortments
What type of account are you using?
- Manufacturers: Navigate to Items > Import & Export
Sales Agencies: Navigate to Maintenance > Import & Export
- Select a Manufacturer
- Click Import Item Assortments
- Click Choose
- Choose your item assortment file
Map the columns
- Click Next
Review the data that will be imported
- Click Next
- Click Import Items
- Click OK
- Check your email for an email with the subject line: "MarketTime Portal: Item Assortment Imported"
Export Assortments
To export item assortments, follow these steps:
Sales Agencies
View Included Items on an Order (Web Portal)
Items included in assortments are visible on order copies, including:
- PDF Version
- Print Version
- PDF Export
- .CSV Export
To view the items in each assortment on an order, follow these steps:
- On the "Finalize" order screen: Click Print/Preview
- The items included in the assortment will appear indented on the print preview:
- Click Print or Select Export to download the order copy
MarketTime B2B Mobile Application
To view the items in each assortment on an order, follow these steps:
- Starting from:
- Order History > Three Dots Menu button
- Order Details Page
- Click Print
- Print, Save, Download or Share the order printout according to your mobile device's settings
Item Assortments on B2B E-Commerce Websites
On B2B E-Commerce websites, you can:
- Sell item assortments
- Show the items included in an assortment on the product details page
- Allow retailers to purchase the entire assortment or single items within the assortment
A few features to point out for assortments on B2B E-commerce websites include:
- Assortment quantity
- Add to Order (adds the assortment to the cart)
- Included items
- Quantity of each item in the assortment
- A View button per included item to view the item details page for each item in the assortment
- Options to add additional child items to the order
Here are frequently asked questions we receive about item assortments:
- How do I view the items included in an assortment?
- How do I view which assortments an item is included in?
- What will retailers shopping on my B2B e-commerce website see when one of the items included in an assortment has been discontinued and cannot be purchased as a stand-alone item?
- How will item assortments work in the MarketTime Professional iPad application?
- What do item assortments look like on orders viewed in Stream?
How do I view the items included in an assortment?
To view the items included in an assortment, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the assortment (parent) item details page
- Click the Assortment tab
- Use the view controls to view items in a:
- List
- Small Image Grid View
- Large Image Grid View
How do I view which assortments an item is included in?
To view which assortments an item belongs to, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the (child) item details page
- Click the Assortment tab
- You'll see a list of every assortment this item belongs to
- To view the assortment, click the > arrow button
- Click View Item
What will retailers shopping on my B2B e-commerce website see when one of the items included in an assortment has been discontinued and cannot be purchased as a stand-alone item?
If an item is discontinued and cannot be purchased as a stand-alone item on a B2B E-commerce website, that item will show with a "Discontinued" badge and cannot be added to the cart:
How will item assortments work in the MarketTime Professional iPad application?
- Now: Item assortments can be purchased (added to orders) using the MarketTime Professional iPad application.
Coming Later: The items in the assortment:
- Can be viewed on the item assortment details page
- Can be viewed on the order copy PDF or print version within the mtPro application and the web portal
How Item Assortments Look in Stream
Note for vendors receiving orders in Stream: In general, when orders with assortments are transmitted through to Stream, both the main assortment item and the items within the assortment will flow into Stream. However, for assortments that contain a very large number of items, the items within the assortment may not flow into Stream. The main assortment item will still flow into Stream with the order. We recommend that when processing / fulfilling an assortment item, please ensure clarity on which items are included in the assortment.
For orders that flow to Stream, the (parent) item assortment will appear on order copies like this:
Order Viewed on |
Order Viewed in Stream |