During show season an Agency may need Admins, Salespeople, Temporary Help, and Manufacturers to write orders in the showroom. This article will outline the steps necessary for each user type and the customer/order information visible to each. Note that there are some differences in the experience between a user writing orders on the MarketTime Pro App, MarketTime B2B App, and MarketTime Web Portal (apps.markettime.com).
Overview of Available Order Writing Tools
Order Writing Snapshot
Agency Admin | Salesperson | Temporary Help | Manufacturer | |
What type of account is needed when writing orders during the show? | MarketTime Admin Account tied to the Agency (no different from everyday use) | MarketTime Salesperson Account tied to the Agency (no different from everyday use) | MarketTime 'Temporary' Salesperson Account tied to the Agency | MarketTime 'Temporary' Salesperson Account tied to the Agency (this is in addition to their normal Manufacturer Account) |
Can all Customers be written? | Yes | Yes, in Show Mode | Yes, in Show Mode | Yes, in Show Mode |
Can all Manufacturers be written? | Yes | Yes, in Show Mode | Yes, in Show Mode | All Manufacturers will be visible, but orders can only be written for their line |
Can all orders be viewed? | Yes | WebPortal: No, only orders written by the Salesperson or by someone else for one of the Salesperson's Customers can be viewed; B2B App: No, only orders taken on that specific device are visible; Pro App: Any user in "Show Mode" can see not only their orders but all other orders written by any user in "Show Mode" | WebPortal: No, only orders written by the Temporary Salesperson can be viewed; B2B App: No, only orders taken on that specific device are visible; Pro App: Any user in "Show Mode" can see not only their orders but all other orders written by any user in "Show Mode" |
WebPortal: No, only orders written by the Manufacturer for their line can be viewed (all orders for their line from other sources can be viewed in the Mfr.'s Account); B2B App: No, only orders taken on that specific device are visible; Pro App: Any user in "Show Mode" can see not only their orders but all other orders written by any user in "Show Mode" |
Creating a MarketTime Account
Regardless of which order writing tool will be used, each order writer will need a MarketTime account (if you're setting up non-person-specific temp users, please review the "Temporary Accounts" section below).
To add a new Salesperson, (Temp) Salesperson, or (Temp Manufacturer) Salesperson, go to the Salesperson section in the left-hand navigation of your Agency account and use the New button found on the Browse Salespeople screen.
When adding a new Salesperson, enter their name into the Search field. If they have an existing MarketTime account, their name will appear. You can also manually enter their name at the bottom of the list.
The Salesperson will be added to your Salesperson list, and they (or you) will receive an email invite to create their Username/Password.
This is an example of the email the Salesperson receives. It will come from portal@markettime.com
Temporary Accounts
A valid email address is needed when creating temporary accounts for show order writers. That said, it does not need to be tied to the user's actual email address.
For example: If Joe is the Admin at Agency X and is in charge of overseeing all temporary order writing accounts, Joe can create multiple temp accounts from his own email address joe@agencyx.com by adding a "+1", "+2", "+3" etc. between his name and "@" sign.
Joe can then approve and manage each account from his email address. Here's how the accounts would look:
Username: Joe Admin; Email: joe@agencyx.com
Username: TempUser1; Email: joe+1@agencyx.com
Username: TempUser2; Email: joe+2@agencyx.com
Username: TempUser3; Email: joe+3@agencyx.com
If your Order Writers already have accounts in MarketTime tied to your Agency (including all temporary users), the next step is to put the accounts into "Show Mode."
Switching to "Show Mode" in the Web Portal
This is the same process for Salespeople, Temp Salespeople, and Temp Manufacturer Salespeople
Customer Visibility in "Show Mode"
Click on your username in the upper right corner of the header in apps.markettime
Click Billing & Payment
Locate the Order Writer who should see all Customers
Toggle "ON" (so it turns blue) the button for Show All Customers?
Manufacturer Visibility in "Show Mode"
Click on your username in the upper right corner of the header in apps.markettime
Locate the Order Writer who should see all Manufacturers
Toggle "ON" (so it turns blue) the button for Show All Manufacturers?
Creating "Show Mode" Divisions and/or Territories?
If the Order Writer should only have access to certain Manufacturers in "Show Mode," you may need to create "Show Mode" Division(s).
Example 1: You may have a Manufacturer acting as a Temporary Salesperson/Order Writer who should only see their line. Because their order writing account with you mimics a Salesperson's account logic and Salespeople are assigned to specific Divisions & Territories, you would want to create a Division that only consisted of their line.
Example 2: Your Agency represents certain Manufacturers on the road but an abridged list in the showroom. You may need to create a "Show Mode" Division/list of Manufacturers that can be assigned to any Salespeople or Temporary Salespeople writing in the showroom.
How to Assign a New Division:
Within each Salesperson, navigate to the Order Settings tab, and add the Division that contains all Manufacturers you wish for this user in "Show Mode" to access.
Next, move to the Manufacturers tab and assign the relevant Manufacturers contained within that "Show Mode" Division you created.
For more information regarding managing Divisions & Territories, click HERE
Switching to "Show Mode" in the MarketTime B2B (Classic) App
During showtime, you may need the ability to switch between just seeing your assigned customers/manufacturers, to seeing all of your company's customers/manufacturers. The app allows order writers to quickly switch between Road and Show mode, depending on their needs.
Those who are Admins within your company are in "show" mode by default and will not see this toggle.
Road Mode - The default view of the app, which only allows you to see customers/manufacturers you are assigned.
Show Mode - The mode most often used during market/show time, allowing you to see all customers and manufacturers within the company and write for them as needed.
Before setting the user to show mode, ensure their account has been set up and configured in apps.markettime, then follow the instructions below:
Tap the Road Mode/Show Mode icon from the main screen within the app to toggle between the two!
Switching to "Show Mode" in the MarketTime Pro App
Multiple Users Per Device
MarketTime Pro does not support multiple users on the same device. Only one user per iPad can be logged into MarketTime Pro. E.g., for an iPad used during a show by temps, only one license can be used on each iPad. For more information, click HERE
If your Order Writers are using the MarketTime Pro App, ensure their account is setup and configured in apps.markettime and then set their MarketTime Pro App account in "Show Mode" by following these instructions.
Temp Manufacturer Salesperson Account
Video Walkthrough
The steps shown in the video below (and the written documentation below it) cover the steps to set up a single Manufacturer user. This process needs to be repeated for each Manufacturer who needs to access MarketTime for order writing within your agency.
Manufacturer Division
This user will need to be assigned to a Division that only includes their brand(s) to ensure that's the only Manufacturer(s) they see within MarketTime Pro.
"Show Mode" Territory
Once the Manufacturer's dedicated Division exists and its brand(s) are assigned to it, the Manufacturer/Salesperson will need to be assigned to a "Show Mode" Territory.
This territory only needs to exist with a single zip code, preferably one that does not exist within any of your other actual Salespeople Territories.
This will ensure that MarketTime Pro allows the user to access what's needed, and not interfere with any other assignment logic you have related to your Salespeople Territories.
You may assign all of your Manufacturer/Salesperson users to this single Territory, just be sure to select the appropriate "Show Mode" Division you created from the step above.
Customer Visibility
To enable "Show Mode" for a Manufacturer who will be writing orders within your agency, navigate to the Billing & Payments screen within the Web App (https://apps.markettime.com) and toggle the Show All Customers toggle next to the desired Salespeople:
More information about user permission management can be found in our dedicated article on the subject.
Salesperson Account
This Salesperson will need to already be setup up, assigned to their respective Customers, Manufacturers, and/or Divisions, and have a login to MarketTime to proceed. If they do not, please see our dedicated section on Salesperson Management.
To enable "Show Mode" for a Salesperson, navigate to Settings > MarketTime Pro within the Web App (https://apps.markettime.com) and toggle the Show Mode toggle next to the desired Salespeople:
More information about MarketTime Pro license management can be found in our dedicated article on the subject.
Temp Salesperson Account
This person will need to have a login to MarketTime to proceed. Once complete, continue with the steps noted below.
To enable "Show Mode" for a Salesperson, navigate to Settings > MarketTime Pro within the Web App (https://apps.markettime.com) and toggle the Show Mode toggle next to the desired Salespeople:
More information about MarketTime Pro license management can be found in our dedicated article on the subject.
Disabling "Show Mode" in apps.markettime
To disable "Show Mode", repeat the steps above, only disabling the Show All Customers? or Show All Manufacturers? button (so it turns gray).