MarketTime B2B App (Classic Mobile Application)
- Video Overview of the MarketTime B2B App (Mobile App) for Sellers
- Orders
- Logging in and Syncing Data
- Customers
- Misc. Features / Settings
- Item Showcase for the MarketTime app
- Browsing Customers
- Printing Orders
- Browsing Catalogs
- Writing a Summary Order on the mobile app
- Browsing Items
- Transmitting Orders to Customers/Manufacturers
- Managing Orders
- Settings Menu and Order Defaults
- Syncing the App
- Logging In, Syncing, and Downloading Images
- Editing Existing Customers
- Adding New Customers
- Writing a New Order
- Browsing Promotions
- Toggling Road/Show Mode
- Scanning QR Codes to add/select Customers (Exclusive to Dallas Market Center)
- Downloading Order History from MarketTime